Saturday 240727

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug. 4, 2024

Every minute on the minute for 40 minutes, alternating:

Odd minutes: 20 step-ups
Even minutes: 5 x 50-foot recovery shuttle runs

If you've got a rucksack, wear it for the step-ups. One shuttle run is 25 feet down and 25 feet back and should be unweighted.

♀ 20-inch box, 30-lb ruck
♂ 20-inch box, 45-lb ruck

Since CHAD1000X has been announced as an event at the CrossFit Games, why not give some version of it a shot? This EMOM version resembles a training session competitors could use to prepare for a high-rep workout. We’re looking at a total of 20 minutes of step-ups broken up into sets of 20 to help reduce the strain on the legs.

This workout is simple; we want to target unilateral strength endurance. When workouts are this simple and for this long, there’s a mental component. The ability to stay focused and present is an important factor in endurance challenges. Having the alternate minute be a recovery minute can help us get some relief, but also helps us manage mental fatigue.

During the workout, focus on getting the work done in that 1 minute. Remember, you’ll have the next minute to reset and refocus.

GOALS: Unilateral strength endurance + concentration

ADVANCED: Completing Rx’d reps in 50-60 seconds
BEGINNER: Consistent leg extension on both sides

Intermediate option:
Every minute on the minute for 40 minutes, alternating:

Odd minutes: 20 step-ups
Even minutes: 5 x 50-foot recovery shuttle runs

If you've got a rucksack, wear it for the step-ups. One shuttle run is 25 feet down and 25 feet back and should be unweighted.

♀ 20-inch box, 15-lb ruck
♂ 20-inch box, 25-lb ruck

Beginner option:
Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes, alternating:

Odd minutes: 10 step-ups
Even minutes: 40-second recovery walk

♀ 20-inch box and unweighted
♂ 20-inch box and unweighted

Coaching cues:
The rucksack increases demand on the trunk when performing step-ups, which may lead to the torso staying forward of the hips when on top of the box. Resist this tendency and hit full hip extension at the top of each rep to fully reap the benefits.

The Box Step-Up

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Friday 240726

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug 4, 2024

Part 1
Take 15 minutes to work up to a 3-rep-max shoulder press

Part 2
With an empty bar, complete:
5 hang power snatches
5 hang muscle snatches
5 hang power snatches

Focus on keeping the bar close to your thighs, having the knuckles pointing down and keeping the shoulders relaxed while maintaining upper back engagement. As you extend to accelerate the bar, you should be pulling the bar toward your hips. Once you’ve reached full extension, pull your elbows high and outside, not pointing to the ceiling but pointing behind you and slightly upward.

Ramp up to your workout weight in 2 sets.

Part 3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 hang power snatches
15-calorie row, bike, or ski erg, or 200-meter run

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

Post loads and rounds/reps to comments.

This workout is simple but effective. We’re using the hang snatch as a complement/antagonist to the shoulder press, and the row, bike, or ski should be seen as an antagonist of the press. The workout, however, still has a component of lower-body endurance, especially if you choose to row or bike. If you choose the row or ski erg, you’ll add an element of grip. There's no shortage of opportunities in this workout. Overall, we should see this as a lower-body, posterior-chain endurance workout.

Today, everyone should be able to complete the 5 hang snatches unbroken. Focus on good snatch technique — use the lower body to generate momentum on the bar along with lat engagement to create a vertical bar path and fast lock out.

GOALS: Upper-body conditioning and technical endurance
ADVANCED: Unbroken hang snatches, 1 round every 1:15-1:30 minutes
BEGINNER: Good coordination in the snatch with hips extending before the arms pull; 1 round every 1:30-1:45 minutes

Intermediate option:
Part 1
Take 15 minutes to work up to a 3-rep-max shoulder press

Part 2
With an empty bar, complete:
5 hang power snatches
5 hang muscle snatches
5 hang power snatch

Part 3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 hang power snatches
15-calorie row, bike, or ski erg, or 200-meter run

75 lb
115 lb

Beginner option:
Part 1
Take 15 minutes to work up to a 3-rep-max shoulder press

Part 2
With an empty bar, complete:
5 hang power snatches
5 hang muscle snatches
5 hang power snatch

Part 3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 hang power snatches
10-calorie row, bike, or ski erg, or 200-meter run

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
The muscle snatch helps develop strength and speed in the turn-over. Move quickly through the middle of the movement and keep the barbell close to your body by pulling your elbows up and back before punching the barbell to the overhead position.

The Shoulder Press
The Hang Power Snatch

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Thursday 240725

Rest Day


60-minute walk

We often underestimate how good a nice leisurely walk can feel with no other goal than simply going for a walk. No ruck, no jog — just walking.

Featured Article:
Why Doctors Prescribe (And Do) CrossFit: Movement Is Life

“In a world where we can go almost anywhere and get almost anything at the touch of a button, it’s easy to forget that movement isn’t merely a lifestyle choice, and exercise isn’t just for the fitness fanatics.

“You may be able to summon dinner and a ride with a few taps on your phone, but who are you gonna call when you can’t get off the can?

“‘A person who cannot squat, for instance, cannot get off a toilet; cannot get out of a chair,’ said Dr. Stephen Luther, a board-certified primary-care doctor of more than 25 years.”

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Wednesday 240724

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug 4, 2024

On a continuously running clock:

On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Front squats

On the 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang power cleans

On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpees
10 thrusters

♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb

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There is a method to this madness. We have three consecutive couplets on a running clock. Each couplet should be completed in under 8 minutes in order to have enough recovery to continue on with good intensity. To be able to do this, you should pull back slightly on the first couplet and make sure you are not at max effort. Having a light weight and scaling the gymnastics to movements you are 100% comfortable with is important to hit the stimulus goal. That said, because you may scale to make the movements feel “easy,” you may fall into the trap of going too hard too soon.

This is threshold training — we need to work at or close to the threshold for three “intervals.” The first couplet has 110 total reps, the second has 90 total reps, and the last has 60 total reps. The degree of difficulty of the gymnastics movement lessens, but the range of motion increases. The most important factor is you, managing your effort. Speed has a cost and we need to save up to make sure we’ve got enough left over to buy out of today’s training!

GOAL: Threshold training
ADVANCED & BEGINNER: 6- to 7:30-minute time domain

Intermediate option:
On a continuously running clock:

On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Jumping pull ups
Front squats

On the 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hanging knee raises to chest
Hang power cleans

On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpees
10 thrusters

55 lb
75 lb

Beginner option:
On a continuously running clock:

On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps for time of:
Ring rows
Front squats

On the 10:00
15-12-9 reps for time of:
AbMat sit-ups
Hang power cleans

On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpee step-overs
10 thrusters

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
If you’re finding it hard to keep an upright torso in the front squat, imagine there’s a rope attached to your elbows that is pulling up throughout the entire movement. Keep those elbows up and notice how your torso follows suit, helping you to maintain a neutral spine and sound squat mechanics.

The Kipping Pull-Up
Jumping Pull-Up Demo
The Ring Row
The Front Squat
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Hang Power Clean
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Thruster

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Tuesday 240723

Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-August 4, 2024

4 rounds for time of:
42 double-unders
21 wall-ball shots
12 alternating dumbbell snatches

♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target and 50-lb dumbbell
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target and 70-lb dumbbell

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This triplet is inspired by the workout Helen. We’ve got a slightly higher volume than Helen but the level of intensity will match that of the classic benchmark. This workout also has a little twist in that we’re using low volume of double-unders, a normal wall-ball shot weight, volume, and target, but we’re using a heavier floor-to-overhead movement. Although the dumbbell snatch is heavier, the volume should be low enough that athletes can perform the 12 total reps unbroken with just a bit more focus. If you do not have a heavier dumbbell, replace it with a kettlebell.

The limiting factor in this workout will be arm fatigue. This will be most apparent in the double-unders for those who aren’t yet efficient with them, as well as the wall-ball shots since it’s an easier movement to “let up” on.

Remember, the difficulty of the workout is the reason for its existence, so we need to focus on good quality movement despite the fatigue.

GOAL: High-intensity upper-body conditioning

ADVANCED: 8- to 9-minute time domain
BEGINNER: 9- to 11-minute time domain

Intermediate option:
4 rounds for time of:
24-42 double-unders
21 wall-ball shots
12 alternating dumbbell snatches

10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target and 35-lb dumbbell
14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target and 50-lb dumbbell

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
42 single-unders
15 wall-ball shots
12 alternating dumbbell snatches

6-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target and 15-lb dumbbell
10-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target and 25-lb dumbbell

Coaching cues:

Frustrated with double-unders? Consider your hand position. Resist the tendency to allow the hands to move away from your body, which shortens the path of the rope and leads to those frustrating trip-ups. Instead, keep your hands in and slightly forward of your body as you relax your shoulders.

The Double-Under
The Wall-Ball Shot
The Dumbbell Power Snatch
A History of Helen on

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Monday 240722

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Kettlebell swings
*Run 400 meters after each set

♀ 35 lb
♂ 53 lb

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This is a posterior chain endurance workout. The goal here is to move with close-to-perfect form on both the swings and the run. The focus on the quality of movement will do two things for us: keep our minds focused on the present and what we're doing, and help us pace our effort in order to finish strong.

Since both these movements are cyclical, movement patterns are crucial for efficiency which translates to better intensity as we gain experience. So today, rather than focusing on finishing as fast as possible, try to focus on finishing feeling like your last 400-meter run was your best.

Use a kettlebell weight you can move comfortably. You should be able to perform the 50 reps unbroken but may break them up to help conserve energy and maintain good technique.

If you cannot run 400 meters in under 2:30, reduce the distance to 200 meters. If you’re new to running, you can perform a 200-meter jog/walk.

To replace the run entirely, use a bike and perform 800 meters. Avoid the rower today.

GOAL: Posterior chain and aerobic endurance
ADVANCED: Unbroken kettlebell swings, 15- to 16-minute time domain
BEGINNER: Quality kettlebell swings, 16- to 18-minute time domain

Intermediate option:
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Kettlebell swings
*Run 400 meters after each set

26 lb
35 lb

Beginner option:
35-30-25-20-15 reps for time of:
Russian kettlebell swings
*Run 200 meters after each set

18 lb
26 lb

Coaching cues:

During the kettlebell swing, think about hinging at the hips and slightly bending your legs before aggressively extending both simultaneously to elevate the kettlebell.

The Kettlebell Swing
CAP Tips: Running Position Drill
CAP Tips: Running Pulling in Place
CAP Tips: Running Falling Forward
CAP Tips: Running Change in Support Drill

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Sunday 240721

Rest Day

Featured Article:
Your Guide to the 2024 CrossFit Games Spectator Experience

The 2024 CrossFit Games are the pinnacle of the season when we crown the Fittest on Earth. In the CrossFit community, the Games are also a chance to come together to experience the competition, fun, and camaraderie that is CrossFit. Whether fans choose to spend their days cheering on their favorite athletes, working out, exploring the local area, or enjoying a combination of everything the Games have to offer, all are guaranteed to leave with fond memories to inspire them throughout the year.

Check out this article for everything you need to know to optimize your experience in Fort Worth, including information on the FREE CrossFit Experience where you can watch the Games on a massive screen, shop the CrossFit Store, interact with our partners and vendors, rub elbows with CrossFit celebrities, get your fitness in, learn from expert Seminar Staff trainers, and more!

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Saturday 240720

3 rounds for time of:

50 alternating single-leg squats
3 rope climbs to 15 feet
800-meter run

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Today’s workout is a longer effort. Expect the single-leg squats to tax your hip flexors and quads, making the rope climb and run more challenging. To overcome your taxed lower half on the rope climbs, focus on a tight foot hook to minimize any amount of slippage. As for the run, focus on running taller and elongating your lower half as you head into the next round. All athletes should aim to complete each round in 10 minutes or less.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time:

30 alternating single-leg squats
2 rope climbs to 15 feet
800-meter run

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time:

30 alternating reverse lunges
4 lying-to-standing rope climbs
400-meter run

Coaching cues:
Having trouble balancing in a single-leg squat?

Try letting your chest reach forward over your knee as you descend just enough to maintain balance and reach depth below parallel.

The Single-Leg Squat
The Rope Climb (Wrap)
The Rope Climb (Basket)

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Friday 240719

10 rounds for time of:

Swim 100 meters
Rest 1 minute

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Compare to similar 220716.

Choose a distance you can complete in 2 minutes or less. Less-competent swimmers may also extend the rest period.

Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 100 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Beginner option:
7 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Coaching cues:
Swimming is a skill that comes with practice and time under tension just like everything else we do within the affiliate walls.

No matter your ability in the water, look at this as an opportunity to push your limitations and adapt. Scale accordingly, jump in (literally), and grow at the boundaries of your experience.

Swim Workout Tips

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Thursday 240718

Rest Day

“Want to Increase Your Fitness? Take a Rest Day”

“Exercise causes microscopic tears in our muscle fibers, and as we rest, those fibers are repaired, adapting to become bigger and stronger. This process of adaptation, called supercompensation, is what allows us to run faster, jump higher or lift more weight.

“‘It’s during the fatigue phase, as the body recovers, that we adapt to the training,’ said Dr. Giles Warrington, a professor of human performance and innovation at the University of Limerick in Ireland.

“Without adequate rest, the muscles don’t have time to adapt, stalling progress and preventing improvement.”

Perennial CrossFit Games athletes Scott Panchik and Arielle Loewen weigh in on the topic of rest in this article from The New York Times. What’s your rest-day routine? Tell us in the comments.

Wednesday 240717

For time:
100 strict handstand push-ups

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Today’s workout is a single-modality gymnastics effort. More advanced athletes should challenge their muscular stamina and move through the reps as quickly as possible. Less-experienced athletes who have the capacity to perform a few strict handstand push-ups should look to accumulate as many as possible in a 15-minute window. Athletes without the capacity to perform strict handstand push-ups should choose modifications that work overhead pressing strength (e.g., handstand push-up negatives — no more than 30 today — standing or seated dumbbell shoulder presses, piked push-ups, or push-ups).

Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
Strict handstand push-ups

Beginner option:
For time:

30 standing dumbbell shoulder presses
30 push-ups from the knees (as needed)

♀ 15 lb
♂ 20 lb

Coaching cues:
Just as your feet generally point forward in a squat, your hands should generally point forward in the handstand push-up. The hands may turn out slightly, as often do the feet in a squat, but aim to point your fingers toward the wall with thumbs toward each other to maximize balance and strength throughout each rep.

The Strict Handstand Push-Up
Handstand Push-Up Variations
HSPU and You: Master the Movement

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Tuesday 240716

10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Squat snatch
-Complete a 200-foot shuttle run after each set to be completed in 25-foot segments.

♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb

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Today’s workout is meant to be a sprint with heavy legs. Athletes who are proficient with the squat snatch and fast with their change of direction on the shuttles can complete this workout in around 8 minutes. However, most athletes can expect their legs to be full of lead after the first round. Stay focused on your squat snatch technique and do not take one rep for granted. Missing a rep in this workout can be devastating. Intermediate athletes who are looking to get stronger should challenge themselves to use a heavier load and scale the reps to 5-4-3-2-1. This will be a great way to target a strength weakness. However, do not mistake the increased loading with a neglect of technique. If you want to increase the weight and your strength in this movement, your technique needs to be on point.

Intermediate option:
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Squat snatch
-Complete a 200-foot shuttle run after each set to be completed in 25-foot segments.

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Power snatch + overhead squat
-Complete a 200-foot shuttle run after each set to be completed in 25-foot segments.

35 lb
45 lb

Coaching cues:
When overhead squatting think, "rotate and elevate.”

With a PVC or stick, relax your shoulders. Rotate your arms until your elbows face the ground and your armpits are forward. Now, elevate by pressing up into the barbell.

The Snatch
The Power Snatch
The Overhead Squat
What is a Snatch?

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Monday 240715

Filthy 50

For time:
50 box jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses
50 hip extensions
50 wall-ball shots
50 burpees
50 double-unders

♀ 20-inch box, 26-lb kettlebell, 35-lb push press, 14-lb ball
♂ 24-inch box, 35-lb kettlebell, 45-lb push press, 20-lb ball

Record your Filthy 50 score in the CrossFit app and/or post to comments.

Compare to 230909.

Today’s workout is a classic chipper of 500 reps of 10 movements called the Filthy Fifty. The workout was originally programmed on June 19, 2005. This longer workout is characterized by intermediate-level bodyweight movements and light loads that allow people to keep moving with limited rest. Newer athletes should reduce the volume and use movement modifications that ensure large sets and short rest breaks.

Intermediate option:
For time:
50 box jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettlebell swings
50 walking-lunge steps
50 knees-to-elbows
50 push presses
50 hip extensions
50 wall-ball shots
50 burpees
50 double-unders

16-inch box, 18-lb kettlebell, 25-lb push press, 10-lb ball
20-inch box, 26-lb kettlebell, 35-lb push press, 14-lb ball

Beginner option:
For time:
30 box jumps
30 jumping pull-ups
30 kettlebell swings
30 walking-lunge steps
30 hanging leg raises
30 push presses
30 hip extensions
30 wall-ball shots
30 burpees
30 single-unders

12-inch box, 9-lb kettlebell, 15-lb push press, 8-lb ball
16-inch box, 18-lb kettlebell, 25-lb push press, 10-lb ball

Coaching cues:
The jumping pull-up offers a major dose of intensity while simultaneously building strength, body awareness, and coordination. It’s easily scalable as athletes raise or lower the height of the jump and/or use more or less of their upper vs. lower body, building the strength, stamina, and skill required to master the pull-up.

WOD Demo: Filthy Fifty
The Box Jump
Jumping Pull-Up Demo
The Kettlebell Swing
The Walking Lunge
The Knees-to-Elbow
The Push Press
The Hip Extension
The Wall-Ball Shot
The Burpee
The Double-Under

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Sunday 240714

Rest Day

Featured Article:

“Recovery Strategies: How To Know When To Take a Day off (And When To Keep Going)”

CrossFit programs a three-days-on, one-day-off, two-days-on workout schedule. We know individual schedules vary with some working out Monday through Friday, some simply aiming for three days in the gym, and others working out seven days a week.

When it comes to rest days, it’s important to note that if you regularly experience improvements in the gym, your health is good, and your injuries are minimal and manageable, your recovery-to-training ratio is probably just right. However, if you aren’t seeing progress in the gym, you have chronic or acute injuries that don’t seem to go away, and you’re constantly feeling tired, you may need more recovery days.

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Saturday 240713

For time:
Ruck 5 miles
Run 6 miles

♀ 30 lb
♂ 45 lb

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Compare to similar 240203.

Today’s workout challenges you to get outside and move with weight for more than an hour (for most). Expect this to be both a mental and physical grind. If you’re new to rucking or a newer athlete, move at a march pace and reduce the distance to complete the run or ruck in no more than 35 minutes. If you’re more experienced, feel free to pick up the pace. For the 6-mile run option, consider your recent 5K run effort and attempt to hold a more manageable pace. For clarity, the run option is meant to be completed without load.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
For time:
Ruck 2 miles
Run 3 miles

10 lb
15 lb

Coaching cues:

Mental fortitude is a side of training often overlooked. It’s not easy to find solace in true discomfort. Rucking, however, offers the opportunity to develop both the psychological and physical components of our fitness by forcing us to dig deep through discomfort, develop grit, and come out stronger on the other side.

TDC Completes Fasted Ruck With Thomas DeLauer and Friends
5K Run at Coast Range CrossFit

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Friday 240712

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

12 dumbbell deadlifts
9 dumbbell hang power cleans
6 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

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Today’s workout should look oddly familiar. This is a dumbbell variation of the Hero workout DT. The loading of the dumbbells should be on the lighter side of moderate and allow you to perform all 27 reps in 3 sets or less. More advanced athletes should try to maintain unbroken reps for as many rounds as possible, while less-experienced athletes should consider strategic breaks to keep moving through the rounds. For example, perform 11 deadlifts, then break. After a quick breath, perform your 12th deadlift and move right into 8 hang power cleans before breaking. After a quick breath, perform your last hang power clean and finish the round by completing 6 shoulder-to-overheads. The goal for everyone is to perform at least 5 total rounds, but can anyone get 10?

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

12 dumbbell deadlifts
9 dumbbell hang power cleans
6 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads

20-lb dumbbells
35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

12 dumbbell deadlifts
9 dumbbell hang power cleans
6 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads

10-lb dumbbells
15-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:

Training with dumbbells is a potent way to address muscle imbalances, requiring stabilization on each side and improving overall coordination.

Dumbbells are also a great tool to reduce the complexity of lifts like the snatch and clean for newer athletes and those with front-rack limitations.

The Dumbbell Deadlift
The Dumbbell Hang Clean
The Dumbbell Push Jerk

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Thursday 240711

Rest Day

Featured Article:
“The Inertia of Aging”

Inertia has long been an understood reality of physics. From our school physical-science courses, we know the concept of inertia as: A body at rest or in motion will stay at rest or in motion until acted upon by an external force.

The aging population is a multifaceted and compounding problem of literal and figurative inertia. We hear it again and again: “I’m too old, I can’t do that any more,” “I’m too old to start exercising,” “I’m too far gone to get better,” “I was never good at sports,” etc., are given as the rationale for living life on the couch. The elderly are conditioned to accept physical decay and limitation of mobility.

But everyone can move and everyone can exercise — regardless of age or limitation.

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Wednesday 240710

3 rounds for time of:

800/1,000-meter row
150-foot handstand walk

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Today’s workout is a longer effort. Getting upside down is much more challenging when you are exhausted. Advanced athletes should aim to push the pace on the rower. This will test capacity in the handstand walk. Less-experienced athletes should conserve energy on the rower in preparation for the handstand walk. Intermediate athletes who have handstand walks, but struggle with longer distances, should challenge themselves to grind through today’s workout. If necessary for time constraints, scale to 2 rounds, but keep the prescribed distances.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:

800/1,000-meter row
75-foot handstand walk

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:

400/500-meter row
75-foot bear crawl

Coaching cues:
Row at a submaximal effort that allows for a quick transition to the handstand walk variation. Shoot to row at or slightly faster than your average 5K pace. Due to the combination of movements, try to relax your shoulders while focusing on an aggressive leg drive on the row, and potentially reduce your pace for the last 100 meters to allow for better performance on the handstand walking.

The Handstand Walk
Handstand Walk WOD Demo

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Tuesday 240709

For load:
Back squat

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Compare to 240105.

Build throughout the 8 sets, starting with something moderately heavy and finishing with a very heavy single. Remember that “heavy” is relative to each athlete. A heavy load requires all your focus and effort.

– A heavy set of 10 reps should be around 50-60%+.
– A heavy set of 7 reps should be around 60-70%.
– A heavy set of 4 reps should be around 70-80%.
– A heavy single for today should be 80%+.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx'd.

Beginner option:
Back squat 10-7-4-1 reps

Coaching cues:
Fight through the sticking point — drive your heels down, push your knees apart, and let your chest lead you to the top.

The Back Squat
Heavy Days
Heavy Day: Full Class Coaching Demonstration

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Monday 240708

For time:

30 strict ring muscle-ups

Compare to 220603.

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Today’s workout is a single-modality gymnastics effort. More advanced athletes should challenge their muscular stamina and move through the reps as quickly as possible. Less-experienced athletes who have the capacity to perform a few strict muscle-ups should try to accumulate as many as possible in a 15-minute window. Athletes without the capacity to perform strict muscle-ups should choose modifications that work both pulling and pushing strength (e.g., strict pull-ups, banded strict pull-ups, false-grip ring rows, strict ring dips, and push-ups).

Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:

Strict muscle-ups

Beginner option:
10 rounds for time:

3 ring rows
3 push-ups

Coaching cues:
Before you simply skip today, consider this: The muscle-up might be difficult to perform, but it is also unrivaled in building upper-body strength and perhaps most important of all, a critical survival skill.

This movement gets you from under things to on top of them. And when it comes to preparing for the unknown and unknowable, that might be one of the most important adaptations to develop.

Don’t have a muscle-up yet? No problem. Note today’s scaling options and dedicate some time to improving skill and building strength to get there.

The Strict Muscle-up
Developing a Muscle-up
The Muscle-up
A New Way to Work Toward Muscle-ups

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Sunday 240707

Rest Day

Featured Article:
“Developing a Muscle-up”

I want to do a muscle-up. Where do I start? This is a question coaches receive on a regular basis. Unfortunately, due to the wide range of starting points, there is no one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter 12-week program that can be handed out to allow athletes to develop at the same rate. Rather, a program can be developed that establishes specific goals for athletes to achieve before moving forward. The timeline is specific to the individual.

The content outlined in this article can serve as a guideline for progressing yourself or allow you to assist others to achieve their goals. As a side note, the biggest limiting factor is patience. The process toward a muscle-up can take years. Do yourself and your athletes a favor and set small, achievable goals throughout each level to motivate you to keep moving forward and take comfort in knowing you are getting fitter each step of the way.

Saturday 240706

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

12 rounds for time of:
200-meter sprint
200-meter jog

Start and finish with a 1,600-meter jog.
Do this at a track if possible.

Today's session features a total of 8,000 meters of running, including the warm-up and cool-down. Take necessary rests after the warm-up and before transitioning into the cool-down. During the 12 rounds, maintain continuous effort by alternating between 200 meters at a sprint pace and 200 meters at a recovery jog. Feel free to take the recovery jog as slow as you need — walking is perfectly fine. Enjoy this workout!

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
6 rounds of:
200-meter run
200-meter jog

Start and finish with a 400-meter jog
Do this at a track if possible.

Coaching Cues:
Stay in the moment. Don’t worry about the intervals to come or stress about the ones you’ve completed. Find a pace you can maintain and push to the finish. Each time you think you can’t do another, prove to yourself you can. In doing so, you’ll build resilience for every other aspect of life.

Chris Hinshaw: The Running Man
Building Threshold

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Friday 240705

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

In 2 minutes:

7/10-calorie Echo bike
10 burpees over the bar
In remaining time, max squat clean thrusters

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Repeat for a total of 5 rounds or stop if you complete 50 squat clean thrusters before 5 rounds.

♀ 65-lb barbell
♂ 95-lb barbell

This interval workout is designed to challenge your limits — push hard for 2 minutes, then optimize your recovery to sustain consistent performance throughout each set. Aim to complete the bike segment in around 45 seconds, with some pushing for closer to 35 seconds or less. Focus on finding a quick pace on the bike that allows you to seamlessly transition to the burpees. After finishing the 10 burpees, use the remaining time to accumulate squat clean thrusters. If you complete 50 reps, the workout is over, otherwise this is a 5-round workout for max reps.

Be sure to prioritize recovery between rounds with the one-to-one work-to-rest ratio, ensuring you maintain intensity throughout. Embrace the challenge today and aim to hold onto the barbell until the very last second!

Intermediate option:
In 2 minutes:

7/10-calorie Echo bike
10 burpees over the bar
In remaining time, max squat clean thrusters*

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Repeat for a total of 5 rounds or stop if you complete 50 squat clean thrusters before 5 rounds.

55-lb barbell
75-lb barbell

Beginner option:
In 2 minutes:

5/8-calorie Echo bike
7 burpees over the bar
In remaining time, max squat clean thrusters*

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Repeat for a total of 5 rounds or stop if you complete 50 squat clean thrusters before 5 rounds.

35-lb barbell
45-lb barbell

Coaching cues:
Every thruster requires moving from full flexion to full extension against gravity, challenging almost every major muscle group.

The thruster is a powerful way to push physical adaptation and improve everyday life, from moving a heavy suitcase to an overhead bin to playing with your kids, and so much more.

Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Clean
The Thruster
The Squat Clean Thruster With Nuno Costa

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Thursday 240704

Rest Day

Featured Video:
“Four Friends Take on the Level 2”

The CrossFit Level 2 Course builds on the concepts and movements introduced at the Level 1, and is suited for any CrossFit trainer serious about delivering quality coaching. Participants enhance their understanding of the CrossFit methodology, program design, and implementation, while advancing their skills when coaching others in movements and workouts.

In this video, go behind the scenes with four friends as they attend the Level 2 Course. The group met through CrossFit, and they have lost a combined 600 pounds while living the CrossFit lifestyle. While none of the four initially saw CrossFit as a pathway to becoming a coach, each realized they had something great to offer to the community through coaching.

Coaching Cues:
Improving performance in the gym and quality of life outside of the gym requires intentionality for both training hard and prioritizing rest. It all comes down to training smart — not in excess. If you want to continue to adapt, work out consistently, and stay with it for the long run, it’s time to embrace the rest day.

How do you spend yours?

Wednesday 240703

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 L pull-ups
10 dumbbell bench presses
150-meter run

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

Today’s workout draws inspiration from the classic benchmark Cindy. The L pull-ups will present the biggest challenge. Aim to complete the L pull-ups in 2 sets or fewer, keep the dumbbell bench presses unbroken, and run as smooth as possible to manage fatigue before returning to the pull-up bar. Modify the L pull-up to tucked pull-ups or kipping pull-ups if needed. Who's getting 10+ rounds?

Intermediate option:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 strict pull-ups
10 dumbbell bench presses
150-meter run

20-lb dumbbells
35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 ring rows
10 dumbbell bench presses
150-meter run

10-lb dumbbells
15-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
The L pull-up develops upper-body pulling strength similar to the way improving a 1-rep-max snatch can improve one’s Isabel time. As you continue to develop your top-end strength, all other pull-up variations become comparatively easier.

The L Pull-up
Scaling Pull-Ups for Beginners
Running Workshop: Falling = Living
Find a CrossFit Course Near You

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Tuesday 240702

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

For time:
50 dumbbell box step-ups
40 box jumps
30 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 24-inch box and 50-lb dumbbells

The goal for today’s workout is to finish in under 8 minutes. Keep the dumbbell box step-ups to big sets of around 10. The 40 box jumps should be a smooth and steady pace with a step down each rep. The dumbbell thrusters at the end are a gut check. Start with a minimum set of 10 reps and manage from there with the remaining reps. Modify accordingly to meet the intended stimulus.

Intermediate option:
For time:
50 dumbbell box step-ups
40 box jumps
30 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 20-inch box and 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 24-inch box and 35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
For time:
30 dumbbell box step-ups
25 box jumps
20 dumbbell thrusters

12-inch box and 10-lb dumbbells
20-inch box and 15-lb dumbbells

Coaching Cues:
If you notice you land excessively low during box jumps, think about pushing your feet harder into the floor as you jump, and visualize getting your hips higher above the box at the peak of your jump. If you find yourself clipping your toes on the edge or stomping down against the box, keep pulling your legs up toward your body until you land on top.

The Box Step-up
The Box Jump
The Dumbbell Thruster
Beating Box Jump Fear

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Monday 240701

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 clean and jerks
Minute 2: 12 strict handstand push-ups
Minute 3: 60 double unders
Minute 4: 14/18-calorie row

♀ 95-lb barbell
♂ 135-lb barbell

Today’s workout is a 20-minute EMOM which stands for “every minute on the minute.” There are 4 minutes to rotate through, so you will do 5 rounds of each movement. Minute 1 begins with 6 clean and jerks, which should be an opportunity to choose a loading that allows for touch-and-go reps. For Minute 2, allow no more than 45 seconds to complete the 12 strict handstand push-ups. Consider modifying to kipping handstand push-ups if you’re only able to complete a couple of reps strict. Modify the double-unders to singles if needed. For the row, athletes will need to push to get that amount of calories completed within the minute. This one rewards those who start each minute on time and finish the work quickly, so move fast!

Intermediate option:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 clean and Jerks
Minute 2: 6 handstand push-ups
Minute 3: 30 double-unders
Minute 4: 9/12-calorie row

65-lb barbell
95-lb barbell

Beginner option:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 6 clean and Jerks
Minute 2: 6 push-ups from the knees
Minute 3: 30 single-under
Minute 4: 6/9-calorie row

35-lb barbell
45-lb barbell

Coaching Cues:

The Clean and Jerk
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Double-Under

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Featured photo:

Sunday 240630

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Rest Day

Sound nutrition is the foundation of health and performance because the food we consume acts as the vital fuel for all our activities. Unhealthy eating habits invariably lead to suboptimal performance and well-being. Conversely, making the right dietary choices in appropriate proportions can profoundly improve both our physical health and performance.

A frequent obstacle to adopting a healthy eating regimen is the perceived inconvenience of cooking. However, preparing meals at home need not be a cumbersome or costly endeavor. Get inspired with this simple grilled pork chop and salad recipe and check out more easy and nutrient-dense recipes here.

Learn more about CrossFit's Nutrition Prescription

Saturday 240629

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Snatch 3-2-2-1-1-1 reps

Finish with 10 minutes of working on pegboards.

The first part of today’s workout presents a chance to challenge yourself with weights that push your limits. Focus completely on today's lifts — they should demand your full attention. Experienced and intermediate athletes might aim for personal records with max-effort lifts. Beginners should use today to refine technique and become accustomed to heavier weights.

The objective in the second part is to develop confidence with pegboard technique and improve spatial awareness. Take advantage of this low-intensity setting to practice this intricate skill. Advanced athletes may consider performing 1-2 reps every minute for 10 minutes. Intermediate and beginner athletes may work on pegboard pull-up variations. Try 1-2 sets of 3-5 reps of each variation.

Pegboard pull-up variations include:
-Feet on wall, even grip
-Feet on wall, uneven/staggered grip
-Dead hang, even grip
-Dead hang, uneven/staggered grip

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.

Coaching Cues:
Think of the snatch like a race car driving around a turn on a track. If the car goes too fast around the turn, it will run off the track. Instead, the car is patient around the turn. As it gets into the next straight away, it steps on the gas and takes off. In terms of the snatch, if you move too quickly around the knees, you will “run off the track.” You will get pulled out of position and the lift will be lost. Instead, you must be patient as you pass the knees. Once you get past the knees and brush the thighs, you can step on the gas and execute the lift.

The Snatch
The Power Snatch
The Glassman Chipper

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Featured photo:
Photo by Meg Ellery at the North America West Semifinal by West Coast Classic.

Friday 240628

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Operation Red Wings

For time:

3/4-mile run (1,200 meters)


16 rounds for time of:
8 toes-to-bars
8 burpee box jump-overs


47 goblet squats

♀20-inch box and a 53-lb kettlebell
♂24-inch box and a 70-lb kettlebell

On June 28, 2005, an MH-47 Chinook helicopter carrying a Quick Reaction Force of eight Navy SEALs and eight Army Night Stalkers (members of the U.S. Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment) were killed in action during Operation Red Wings in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. This part of the operation was an attempt to rescue Lt. Michael P. Murphy, Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Danny Dietz, Sonar Technician 2nd Class Matthew Axelson, and Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Luttrell, who had been cut off and outnumbered by Taliban fighters during a reconnaissance mission deep behind enemy lines. Three of the four SEALs on the ground were killed — Murphy, Axelson, and Dietz — with Luttrell being the lone survivor. The other eight SEALs and eight Night Stalkers were killed when the MH-47 Chinook, coming in to aid the ground team, was shot down by an enemy RPG and the helicopter broke apart, crashing down into the side of a mountain.

- ¾-mile run to commemorate the three out of four SEALs killed on the ground

- 16 rounds to commemorate the 16 service members killed during the rescue attempt

- 8 toes-to-bars to commemorate the eight Night Stalkers

- 8 burpee box jump-overs to commemorate the eight SEALs

- 47 goblet squats for the MH-47 Chinook that was lost

This workout is meant to be very grueling and mentally challenging. The workout begins with a ¾-mile (or 1,200-meter) run. From there, it’s a 16-round couplet of 8 toes-to-bars and 8 burpee box jump-overs. It’s a relatively small amount of work for 1 round, but it will compound over time. The redundancy will make this as much of a mental test as a physical one, so keep your head in it and find a way to keep yourself going. After the 16th round is complete, the workout finishes with 47 goblet squats. All athletes should reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet challenging.

Intermediate option:

For time:

3/4-mile run (1,200 meters)


12 rounds for time of:
6 knees-to-chest
6 burpee box jump-overs


47 goblet squats

♀20-inch box and a 35-lb kettlebell
♂24-inch box and a 53-lb kettlebell

Beginner option:
For time:

600-meter run


8 rounds for time of:
6 hanging knee raises
6 burpee box step-ups


47 air squats

12-inch box
20-inch box

Coaching Cues:
The figure-4 position is key to efficient running mechanics. To continue to develop running skills, practice standing with one leg up in a figure-4 hold.

Keep your shoulders over your hips, hips over your heel, and the heel of your lifted leg in line with the knee.

From there, work on quickly switching legs and holding the figure-4 without changing your overall body position.

Take these positions into your warm-up and workout for Operation Red Wings, and notice the difference in efficiency and speed!

Running Workshop: Pose Alignment
The Kipping Toes-to-bar
The Burpee Box Jump-Over
More on Operation Red Wings

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Thursday 240627

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Rest Day

The rest day — embraced by some and dreaded by others — is in some ways just as important as the days hit with intensity in the gym.

Scheduled rest days enable us to maximize intensity in training, either because we just rested and we’re feeling fresh or because we know we have a rest day coming up.

Taking regular rest days allows us to choose our rest days before they choose us, reducing the risk of injury, training plateaus, and burnout.

It’s also important to note that while it’s good to have a set schedule, things can and will change over time depending on an athlete’s health, age, stress levels, nutrition, and goals.

Check-in regularly, analyze your performance, and make tweaks accordingly. Better yet, chat with a CrossFit trainer at your local affiliate, find accountability — both for showing up and for resting — and create a plan to maximize intensity and improve fitness for life.
