For time:
Run 5,000 meters
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If executed properly, this workout challenges the boundaries of human performance and requires no equipment. It's a fantastic test of stamina, endurance, and mental fortitude. Experienced athletes should try for a PR on this benchmark effort. Look back at your previous time to help determine an appropriate pace. Newer athletes should reduce the distance to complete the run in no more than 20 minutes.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
On a 20-minute clock:
Run for distance
Coaching cues:
To avoid inefficient movement patterns while you run, imagine you’re running on the crossties of a railroad track, keeping your feet right under your body and landing on the balls of your feet.
CrossFit Benchmark Workout 5K Run at Coast Range CrossFit From 230804
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30-20-10 reps for time of:
Echo bike calories
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Today’s workout is a sprint. No holding back. It’s a day to push the pace on the bike and larger sets on the pull-ups. That said, know your limits. If you feel like you need to break on the pull-up bar then do so. Adjust the number of calories, the number of pull-ups, and difficulty of the pull-up to keep your overall time to 10 minutes or less.
Intermediate option:
20-15-10 reps for time of:
Echo bike calories
Beginner option:.
15-10-5 reps for time of:
Echo bike calories
Ring rows
Coaching cues:
For those performing kipping pull-ups, focus on keeping your feet slightly in front of your body as you push away from the pull-up bar to maintain balance.
Rogue Echo Bike
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Butterfly Pull-Up
The Ring Row
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Rest Day
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The deadlift, a fundamental hinging movement pattern, is highly effective for building strength, increasing muscle mass, improving back health, and enhancing athletic performance. Engaging major muscle groups like the glutes, hamstrings, and spinal erectors, the deadlift supports full-body strength and resilience. Regular deadlift training promotes muscle growth and reduces back pain by strengthening the spine and surrounding muscles. It also boosts athletic abilities, improving speed, power, and midline stability essential for sports. By incorporating deadlifts consistently, you can achieve significant improvements in strength, health, and overall fitness.
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For time:
150 burpees
150 wall-ball shots
Partition the reps as needed to complete the work as quickly as possible.
♀ 14-lb medicine ball to 9 feet
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to 10 feet
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Scaling: Today’s workout is a “choose your own adventure.” Break up the reps and switch exercises in any fashion you choose. Expect the burpees to conflict with the wall-ball shots with regard to the pressing of the burpee and the throwing of the med ball. Because of this, you may consider smaller sets of each movement with more switching back and forth. Choose a loading for the wall-ball shots that allows you to complete at least 10 unbroken reps every time you pick it up. As for the burpees, breaking up 150 reps into smaller sets looks less daunting. Find a rep scheme that works for you.
Intermediate option:
For time:
120 burpees
120 wall-ball shots
Partition the reps as needed to complete the work as quickly as possible.
♀ 10-lb medicine ball to 9 feet
♂ 14-lb medicine ball to 10 feet
Beginner option:
For time:
60 burpees
60 wall-ball shots
Partition the reps as needed to complete the work as quickly as possible.
♀ 6-lb medicine ball to 9 feet
♂ 10-lb medicine ball to 10 feet
Coaching cues:
Don’t waste time getting to the floor on your burpees. Gracefully “fall” to the floor. This technique saves your arms from excessive fatigue and speeds up your burpee cycle time.
The Burpee
The Wall-Ball Shot
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5 rounds for total reps:
1-minute shuttle run
1-minute rope climb to 15 feet
1-minute hang power snatches
1-minute rest
25 feet out and 25 feet back = 1 shuttle run.
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb
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Today’s workout is a grippy breather. Expect to be out of breath and your grip to be taxed. The loading of the barbell should allow you to hang on for at least 5 reps before needing a break. Less-experienced athletes should attempt rope climbs even if they only get 1 rep. This is a great opportunity to practice and develop confidence and technique. Work hard and have fun!
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for total reps:
1-minute shuttle run
1-minute rope climb to 12 feet
1-minute hang power snatches
1-minute rest
For the shuttle runs, 25 feet out and 25 feet back = 1 shuttle run.
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
5 rounds for total reps:
1-minute shuttle run
1-minute pull-to-stands
1-minute hang power snatches
1-minute rest
For the shuttle runs, 25 feet out and 25 feet back = 1 shuttle run.
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
On the setup of the hang power snatch, consider hinging at the hips and keeping your shoulders over the barbell. This will give you more leverage over the barbell and allow you to perform more unbroken reps.
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The Rope Climb (Basket)
The Hang Power Snatch
Modified Rope Climb (Pull-to-Stands)
The Grip-Saving Way To Rope Climb
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Rest Day
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CrossFit Mobility 101: Three Common Mobility Mistakes
Improving mobility is essential for performance and injury prevention in CrossFit, but athletes often make mistakes that slow their progress. Common errors include failing to identify specific mobility limitations, over-relying on passive techniques like foam rolling, and neglecting strength work to reinforce new ranges of motion. By assessing specific areas, using effective stretching techniques, and incorporating heavy, controlled movements, athletes can enhance their mobility more efficiently and see better results in their workouts.
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3 rounds for time of:
35 dumbbell deadlifts
35 GHD sit-ups
800-meter run
♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells
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Today’s workout got its inspiration from a Hero workout called Michael. We are still going to run 800 meters, however, we are going to do it at the end of the round to encourage you to move a little quicker, especially in the final round. The dumbbell deadlifts are replacing the back extensions and we’re doing GHD sit-ups instead of AbMat sit-ups. The loading of the dumbbells should be light and allow you to complete your reps in 3 sets or less. Some may be able to go unbroken. If you are not consistently using the GHD, it is not recommended to attempt the prescribed option. Scale the range of motion and the number of reps.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
35 dumbbell deadlifts
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
800-meter run
♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
20 dumbbell deadlifts
20 sit-ups
400-meter run
♀ 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 15-lb dumbbells
Coaching cues:
You should never lose the engagement of your abdominals as you lay back to perform a rep on the GHD. Choose a range of motion that allows you to stay engaged through your mid-section. While a wacky inflatable arm man is mesmerizing, it is never a good technique for your midline.
The Dumbbell Deadlift
The GHD Sit-Up
The CrossFit Running Course
The AbMat Sit-Up
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Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
3 bar muscle-ups
6 box jump-overs
♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box
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Today’s workout is a gymnastics couplet. Simple, yet effective. Because the duration of the workout is relatively short, this is not a good workout to “try something new.” If you have bar muscle-ups and 3 reps per round is too many, scale to 1 or 2 reps per round. In this effort, you should choose movements that allow you to complete a round at least every minute. That being said, we may see scores from advanced athletes in the high teens because they are able to complete a round every 30 seconds. Push the pace from the start and don’t try to “game” this one.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 box jump-overs
♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box
Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
3 ring rows
3 foot-assisted ring dips
6 box step-overs
♀ 12-inch box
♂ 20-inch box
Coaching cues:
The bar muscle-up tends to be elusive because unlike the rings, you must move your body around the bar. To do this more efficiently, imagine pressing the bar into your hips as you rotate around the bar.
The Kipping Bar Muscle-Up
Box Jump-Over Variations
The Ring Row
Ring Dip Scaling
The Box Step-Over
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For time:
800/1,000-meter row
21 overhead squats
600/750-meter row
15 overhead squats
400/500-meter row
9 overhead squats
200/250-meter row
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
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Today’s workout pairs a weightlifting element with a monostructural element. The row distances are short enough that they deserve to be pushed and not paced. The loading of the overhead squat sits on the light-to-moderate side. The barbell should be taken from the floor and the weight you choose should allow you to complete your reps in 2 sets or less. The goal is less looking at the bar and more moving it. The final row should be an all-out sprint!
Intermediate option:
For time:
800/1,000-meter row
21 overhead squats
600/750-meter row
15 overhead squats
400/500-meter row
9 overhead squats
200/250-meter row
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
400/500-meter row
15 overhead squats
300/400-meter row
12 overhead squats
200/300-meter row
9 overhead squats
100/200-meter row
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
To increase your stroke rate, perform a big, strong drive and pull. On the return, get the hands away from the body, lean in toward your toes, and use your legs to pull your body back into the catch position.
Rowing Technique Tips
The Overhead Squat
From the Archives: Rowing Technique
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Contrary to misconceptions, older athletes can increase strength, improve physical capacity, and benefit from training with intensity, which helps reduce injury risks and maintain muscle mass. Complex movements like gymnastics and weightlifting are crucial for improving coordination, agility, and balance, especially as neurological skills become harder to develop with age. While recovery may take longer for older athletes, proper lifestyle choices like good nutrition, sleep, and stress management allow older athletes to train hard and recover effectively, making CrossFit scalable and transformative for all ages.
3 rounds for time of:
10 hang power cleans
1-minute hang from the pull-up bar
10 push jerks
1-minute handstand hold
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb
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Today’s workout is a combination of lifting and static holds. You will also notice the pull-up bar hang is after the hang power cleans (pulling and grip intensive). Then the handstand hold is after the push jerks (pressing intensive). Because of this design, a moderately loaded barbell will begin to feel significantly heavier and the holds will test your stamina with the related movement functions. Complete the handstand holds against a wall. Scale the loading and duration of the holds so a single round takes no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 hang power cleans
1-minute hang from the pull-up bar
10 push jerks
1-minute handstand hold
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 hang power cleans
30-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 push jerks
30-second plank hold
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
During the handstand hold, resist gravity by pressing your body away from the floor. As you press into the floor, squeeze your glutes, tuck your ribs down toward your hips, and bring your ears in line with your biceps with your chin neutral.
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Jerk
The Handstand Hold
Handstand Hold Progression
The Plank Hold
Plank Variations
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Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
75/100-calorie row
30 box jumps
30 jumping pull-ups
30 kettlebell swings
30 lunges
30 knees-to-elbows
30 push presses
30 hip extensions
30 wall-ball shots
30 burpees
30 double-unders
♀ 20-inch box, 26-lb kettlebell, 35-lb push press, 14-lb medicine ball to 9 feet
♂ 24-inch box, 35-lb kettlebell, 45-lb push press, 20-lb medicine ball to 10 feet
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Today’s workout is a classic chipper-style effort. Some may recognize it as the “Dirty Thirty” with an added row to begin the workout. The goal is to make it as far through this workout as possible within the allotted time. Some may even finish the double-unders and get an opportunity to get back on the rower. However, most should aim to make it to the wall-ball shots and get as many reps as possible before time runs out. To hit this stimulus, the row should take no more than 6 minutes to complete. Every other movement after should be kept to 1:30 or less.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
50/75-calorie row
30 box jumps
30 jumping pull-ups
30 kettlebell swings
30 lunges
30 knees-to-chests
30 push presses
30 hip extensions
30 wall-ball shots
30 burpees
30 double-unders
♀ 20-inch box, 26-lb kettlebell, 35-lb push press, 10-lb medicine ball to 9 feet
♂ 24-inch box, 35-lb kettlebell, 45-lb push press, 14-lb medicine ball to 10 feet
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
35/50-calorie row
20 box step-ups
20 jumping pull-ups
20 kettlebell swings
20 lunges
20 hanging knee raises
20 push presses
20 good mornings (unweighted)
20 wall-ball shots
20 burpees
20 single-unders
♀ 12-inch box, 18-lb kettlebell, 35-lb push press, 6-lb medicine ball to 9 feet
♂ 20-inch box, 26-lb kettlebell, 45-lb push press, 10-lb medicine ball to 10 feet
Coaching cues:
In the dip of the push press, your torso should be vertical with your shoulders and hips stacked over your ankles. As you dip, think about sliding your knees forward slightly as your shoulders and hips drop straight down over your ankles.
The Box Jump
Jumping Pull-Up Progression
The Kettlebell Swing
The Walking Lunge
Knees-to-Elbows Progression
The Push Press
The GHD Hip Extension
The Wall-Ball Shot
The Burpee
The Double-Under
Kipping Hanging Knee Raise
The Good Morning
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Rest Day
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Staying Strong Through the Holidays: A Message for Your Future Self
The holiday season often leads to small weight gains that add up over time, increasing health risks and straying from fitness goals. Instead of letting indulgence derail your progress, focus on staying intentional with your choices, prioritizing movement, and maintaining discipline. Enjoy the season while aligning your actions with your long-term health and performance aspirations. Come January, you’ll thank yourself for staying consistent, waking up stronger, fitter, and proud of your commitment.
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Muscle snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Power snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps
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Today’s workout is a heavy-lifting day. Most athletes will be able to do this workout as prescribed. This progression of snatch variations should prepare you well for the attempts at a 1-rep-max squat snatch. Those who aren’t yet ready to build to maximal loads can stay at light-to-moderate loading to practice dialing in consistent mechanics.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.
Coaching cues:
In the third pull, imagine you are zipping up a jacket with the barbell. This will help keep the barbell close to your body as you finish the lift.
The Muscle Snatch
The Power Snatch
The Squat Snatch
What Is a Snatch?
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5 rounds, each for time, of:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds.
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Compare to 220111.
Today’s workout is a classic benchmark effort. The goal is to maintain a relatively consistent time in each round. If unable to finish each movement in 3 sets or less, decrease the reps by 5-10 per movement. You should also be able to complete a single round in 5 minutes or less if you are going to attempt this workout as prescribed.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds, each for time, of:
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40 squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds.
Beginner option:
3 rounds, each for time, of:
10 ring rows
15 push-ups from the knees
20 sit-ups
25 squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds.
Coaching cues:
Avoid the “snakey” push-up. Your entire body should move up and down as a single unit. To do so, squeeze your thighs, glutes, and abs as you move through each push-up.
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Push-Up
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Air Squat
The Ring Row
The Push-Up From the Knees
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For time:
1-mile run
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Today’s workout is a single, all-out monostructural effort. Most athletes can complete this as prescribed. Be sure to spend significant time warming up, moving your body, and elevating your heart rate. Advanced athletes should push hard and take chances. Less-experienced and newer athletes may need to jog or walk, but should be able to complete the distance.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.
Coaching cues:
Find yourself bent over at the hip when you run? This will reduce speed and efficiency and lead to more fatigue. An immediate fix is to think about keeping your chest up and leading with your hips as you run. A longer-term fix is to prioritize recovery, hip stretching, and frequent breaks for those sitting for long periods throughout the day.
Running Workshop: Warm-Up With Proper Technique
Pose Running Drills: Lean and Pull
CrossFit Endurance Drills Manual
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Rest Day
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Primer on Protein, Part 6: The Immune System
In the final article in this six-part series, we discuss how following CrossFit’s fitness and dietary guidelines not only enhances physical performance but also fortifies your body’s immune system. Protein is vital in this process, supporting immune cell production and function. High-quality animal proteins provide essential amino acids like glutamine, arginine, and cysteine, critical for immune defense and recovery. This holistic approach to health strengthens your body against chronic diseases and acute illnesses alike, making fitness a lifelong pursuit.
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1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Sumo deadlift high pulls
Ring dips
♀ 75-lb barbell
♂ 115-lb barbell
Today’s workout is a classic pull and push movement combination. In theory, you should be able to go back and forth between movements with minimal interference. Tread lightly in the first few rounds as they will go by very quickly. However, the later rounds are a different story. The loading of the barbell should be light to moderate and allow you to perform most of your sets unbroken. As for the ring dips, if you are going to do these as prescribed, we recommend you be able to complete consistent sets of 3 or more unbroken reps. To reduce the difficulty of the ring dips, consider jumping dips or foot-assisted dips.
Intermediate option:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Sumo deadlift high pulls
Jumping ring dips
♀ 55-lb barbell
♂ 75-lb barbell
Beginner option:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps for time of:
Sumo deadlift high pulls
Foot-assisted ring dips
♀ 35-lb barbell
♂ 45-lb barbell
Coaching cues:
Set the rings up high enough so your legs can be somewhat straight as you descend to the bottom of the dip. Once you get to the bottom, bring your knees up toward your chest and push the rings into your pockets. The longer legs allow for a more effective kip.
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
The Ring Dip
Kipping Ring Dip
Ring Dip Scaling
The Power of Progression, Part 3: Sumo Deadlift High Pull
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For total reps:
4 minutes of overhead squats
4 minutes of rope climbs to 15 feet
4 minutes of thrusters
4 minutes of wall walks
♀ 105-lb barbell
♂ 155-lb barbell
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In today’s workout, you have four exercises with 4 minutes at each exercise. The goal is to complete as many reps of each exercise as possible. Choose a load for the barbell that allows you to move more and stare at it less. Use the same load for both the overhead squats and the thrusters. It's OK if one feels a little lighter than the other — this just means you should get more reps. For the barbell movements, aim for at least 7 reps per minute. On the rope climbs, choose an option that allows you to perform at least 2 reps per minute. For the wall walks, choose an option that allows you to perform at least 3 reps per minute. Keep in mind that more advanced athletes will be able to perform more reps. However, the numbers outlined above should help you choose appropriate scaling options to get the most out of the workout.
Intermediate option:
For total reps:
4 minutes of overhead squats
4 minutes of rope climbs to 12 feet
4 minutes of thrusters
4 minutes of wall walks
♀ 75-lb barbell
♂ 115-lb barbell
Beginner option:
For total reps:
4 minutes of overhead squats
4 minutes of lying-to-standing
4 minutes of thrusters
4 minutes of inchworms + push-ups from the knees
♀ 35-lb barbell
♂ 45-lb barbell
Coaching cues:
Keep the barbell over the middle of the body as you overhead squat. Press up into the bar and pull back on it slightly to keep it situated over the middle of your feet. Your ability to balance and keep a stable base will let you know if the barbell is in the right position.
The Overhead Squat
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The Rope Climb (Basket)
The Thruster
The Wall Walk
Modified Rope Climb
Rope Climb Scaling Options
Inchworm + Push-Up From the Knees
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Rest Day
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Primer on Protein, Part 5: Antioxidants
Part 5 of the "Primer on Protein" series focuses on the role of protein in the body’s antioxidant system. CrossFit’s nutrition prescription emphasizes protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy, which provide essential amino acids that help the body build tissues, hormones, and immune cells. A key component of the body’s defense against oxidative stress, caused by free radicals, is the production of antioxidants like glutathione and melatonin. Consuming enough dietary protein supports the body's ability to fight oxidative stress, helping to protect against chronic diseases, aging, and injury while enhancing overall performance.
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3 rounds for time of:
400/500-meter row
120 double-unders
40 GHD hip extensions
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The name of the game in today’s workout is consistency — be smooth on the rower, in control on the double-unders, and knock out bigger chunks of reps on the GHD. All athletes should aim to keep this workout under 20 minutes. More advanced athletes are challenged to go 15 minutes or less. If you are not accustomed to the GHD, look to reduce reps and range of motion. Athletes who are working on their double-unders should spend no more than 2 minutes working with the jump rope in each round.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
400/500-meter row
2 minutes of double-under attempts
25 GHD hip extensions
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
200/250-meter row
60 single-unders
20 good mornings (PVC or empty barbell)
Coaching cues:
Imagine a string between your sternum and your belly button. If those two landmarks stay far away from each other, the string stays tight. When those two landmarks get closer together, the string is loose. During the GHD hip extensions, keep the string tight.
Rowing Technique Tips
The Double-Under
The GHD Hip Extension
The Single-Under
The Good Morning
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For time:
400-meter run
5 rounds of:
10 toes-to-bars
10 box jump-overs
400-meter run
♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box
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Today’s workout challenges you to push the pace on each run and go unbroken on the couplet in the middle. Do your best not to “game” this workout. Instead, hit the first run hard and then get ready to find your hip flexors. Choose an option for the toes-to-bar that allows you to complete each round in 2 sets or less. As for the box jump-over, use a height that allows you to keep moving and finish your reps in less than a minute. On the last run, give it everything you have left.
Intermediate option:
For time:
400-meter run
5 rounds of:
10 knees-to-chests
10 box jump-overs
400-meter run
♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch box
Beginner option:
For time:
200-meter run
5 rounds of:
10 hanging knee raises
10 box step-overs
200-meter run
♀ 12-inch box
♂ 20-inch box
Coaching cues:
During the box jump-overs, land low on the top of the box. Then begin to pivot on top of the box and step down. This pivot sets you up to face the box as you step down and go right into your next jump.
Running Position Drill
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
Box Jump-Over Variations | CrossFit Movement Demo
Box Step-Over | CrossFit Movement Demo
Kipping Hanging Knee Raise | CrossFit Movement Demo
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10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
1 ½-bodyweight deadlifts
Bodyweight bench presses
¾-bodyweight squat cleans
Compare to 221030.
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Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark. Its nickname is “the three bars of death.” The earlier rounds of this workout are a bit of a grind. Go unbroken where you can and manage your reps when you need to catch your breath. For example, singles on the squat cleans are a great way to manage your heart rate and prepare yourself for the next round. This effort contains a high volume of weightlifting at a moderate load. Reduce the loads and/or eliminate some of the early rounds to decrease the total volume. If you are able, use a spotter when performing the bench presses. This is purely a safety consideration. If you are unable to find a spotter, do not push to failure and break before you think you need to.
Intermediate option:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
1 ¼-bodyweight deadlifts
¾-bodyweight bench presses
½-bodyweight cleans
Beginner option:
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
¾-bodyweight deadlifts
½-bodyweight bench presses
⅓-bodyweight cleans
Coaching cues:
In the bench press, be sure to set yourself up so your feet can have full contact with the floor. This will allow you to drive through your heels and use your lower half.
The Deadlift
The Bench Press
The Clean
From the Archives: Chris Spealler Does Linda
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Rest Day
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The Primer on Protein: Part 4 - Joints
Part 4 of the "Primer on Protein" series focuses on the importance of dietary protein for maintaining healthy joints and connective tissues. Protein, particularly collagen, plays a crucial role in supporting tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and fascia, which enable smooth and pain-free movement. Collagen is built from amino acids like glycine and proline, found in foods such as slow-cooked meats, bone broth, and skin-on poultry or fish. Without adequate intake of these collagen-building nutrients, connective tissue can weaken, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and an increased risk of injury or osteoarthritis. By consuming protein-rich foods, we ensure strong, flexible, and resilient connective tissue, promoting long-term health and mobility.
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Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Today’s workout is a heavy day. Advanced and intermediate athletes should perform triples, while less-experienced athletes should perform a few more reps and focus on the quality of their movement. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible and push to hit a new 3-rep max. Newer athletes should work at submaximal loads, working to refine their technique and dial in consistent movement patterns.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Coaching cues:
Right before you begin to squat, take a deep breath in. With this breath, keep your belly tight, and imagine using your belly button to push your hips back and down to the bottom of the squat. Exhale as you drive out of the bottom of the squat.
The Back Squat
What Is a Squat?
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5 rounds for time:
18/25-calorie row
25 burpees over the rower
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Today’s workout is a gut check. Find a pace on both the rower and the burpees you can maintain and keep yourself moving. Going out “hot” on the rower does you no good if your pace slows down your burpees. Most can perform the movements as prescribed, however, consider a combination of reps and calories that allows you to finish a round in 4 minutes or less.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time:
15/20-calorie row
20 burpees over the rower
Beginner option:
5 rounds for time:
7/10-calorie row
10 burpees over the rower
Coaching cues:
On the burpees, stay low as you transition from one side of the rower to the next. This will decrease your cycle time.
Lateral Burpee Over the Rower | CrossFit Movement Demo
November 2024
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Rest Day
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The Primer on Protein, Part 3: Mental Health
Part 3 of the "Primer on Protein" series emphasizes the crucial role of protein in supporting mental health alongside physical health. Protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy provide essential amino acids, such as tryptophan and tyrosine, which are vital for producing key neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin promotes a positive mood and resilience, while dopamine drives motivation and focus. A lack of these amino acids can negatively impact mental well-being, contributing to conditions like depression and anxiety. CrossFit’s nutrition prescription prioritizes high-quality protein intake to support both physical and mental health.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 kettlebell snatches, right arm
4 kettlebell snatches, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 35-lb kettlebell and 14-lb medicine ball
♂ 53-lb kettlebell and 20-lb medicine ball
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In today’s workout, there is no reason to stop. You will be moving constantly for 8 minutes. The loading of both the kettlebell and the medicine ball should allow you to perform unbroken reps throughout the entire workout. Come out fast and hang on. Remember, even though you are trying to move quickly, don’t cut the range of motion short on either movement. If you feel like you are out of control, slow down and dial in your technique before trying to speed back up.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 kettlebell snatches, right arm
4 kettlebell snatches, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 26-lb kettlebell and 14-lb medicine ball
♂ 44-lb kettlebell and 20-lb medicine ball
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 single-arm kettlebell swings, right arm
4 single-arm kettlebell swings, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 18-lb kettlebell and 6-lb medicine ball
♂ 35-lb kettlebell and 10-lb medicine ball
Coaching cues:
As you transition the kettlebell from a swing to the overhead position, loosen up your grip, punch the hand to the sky, and the thumb should finish pointing behind you. This transition is quick and the kettlebell should swing into position against the back of your forearm.
The Kettlebell Snatch
The Medicine-Ball Clean
Single-Arm Kettlebell Swing
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For time:
15 ring muscle-ups
50-foot handstand walk
12 ring muscle-ups
100-foot handstand walk
9 ring muscle-ups
150-foot handstand walk
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Today’s workout is a gymnastics endurance and stamina tester. Expect both the muscle-ups and the handstand walk to not play nicely with one another. With that in mind, consider your strategy for this workout. Do you go unbroken on the muscle-ups? If you do, do you have the pressing stamina to kick right up and start your handstand walk? Or are you better off breaking up your muscle-ups to preserve more gas in the tank for the handstand walk? These are questions you need to consider. Take fatigue into consideration. If you need an extra break before kicking up into a handstand or jumping up on the rings, do it. You know your body best.
Intermediate option:
For time:
9 ring muscle-ups
60-second handstand walk for distance
6 ring muscle-ups
90-second handstand walk for distance
883 ring muscle-ups
120-second handstand walk for distance
Beginner option:
For time:
9 low-ring muscle-up transitions
50-foot bear crawl
6 low-ring muscle-up transitions
100-foot bear crawl
3 low-ring muscle-up transitions
150-foot bear crawl
Coaching cues:
Delay the transition a little longer than you want to. This means letting your hips and momentum in the swing carry you as high as possible before transitioning to the bottom of the dip. This will help you last longer and maybe help you get a few extra reps.
The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Handstand Walk
Low Ring Muscle-Up Tips | CrossFit Coaching Tips
The Bear Crawl
A New Way to Work Toward Muscle-Ups
Handstand Walk Progression With Austin Malleolo
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For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups
♀ 35-lb ruck, 20-inch box
♂ 45-lb ruck, 20-inch box
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Compare to 231111.
Sara Wilkinson, CrossFit, and Rogue Fitness present the Hero workout CHAD1000X in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy, and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
Click here to officially register and to learn more about CHAD1000X and The Step Up Foundation’s mission to raise awareness around and prevent veteran suicide.
Today’s workout is a long grind. Complete as a team, with a partner, or individually for time. Reduce the load and height of the step-up as needed. If you have completed this workout previously, look back and use that information to help you tackle today’s effort.
Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups
♀ 20-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups
♂ 30-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups
Beginner option:
For time:
1,000 unweighted box step-ups
No rucksack, you pick the height of the step-ups.
Coaching cues: During each step-up, focus on keeping your knees tracking in line with the toes and standing up by taking your chest to the sky. These two points will ensure the best posture and mechanics throughout the workout.
The Box Step-Up
Tips for Beginners
Partner Tips
CHAD1000X Hero Workout
The Step-Up Foundation
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
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Rest Day
Featured Article
Primer on Protein, Part 2: Bones
In Part 2 of the "Primer on Protein" series, the focus shifts to the role of dietary protein in bone health. CrossFit’s nutrition prescription highlights the importance of animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, etc.), which provide high-quality protein. Protein-rich foods, especially those cooked on the bone or containing skin, provide key amino acids necessary for bone health. Diets lacking these foods can lead to lower bone density and increased fracture risk, while high protein intake, especially in older adults, is associated with stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis.
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