Monday 250210


For time:
2,400-meter run
150 burpees
2,400-meter run

If you’ve got a weight vest or body armor, wear it.

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Compare to 140928.

Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, of Tolar, Texas, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), died Sept. 28, 2012, in Wardak, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by enemy small-arms fire. Stephens is survived by his wife Tiffany; children, Austin, Morgan, and Rylee Ann; parents, Michael and Joann; brother Ken; and several family members.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s Hero workout is a longer-duration effort. This is meant to be a grind, so expect this workout to take up to 60 minutes. Each run and the burpees should take no more than 20 minutes to complete (each). Athletes who are capable of completing this workout in 35 minutes or less can consider adding a weight vest or body armor. Most athletes should attempt this workout using their own body weight. Work hard and have fun.

Reduce the distance of the run and the repetitions of the burpees.

To adjust the complexity of the run, instead of reducing the distance, consider using a movement substitution like a bike or a rower. Perform 5,500 meters on an Echo bike or 2,500 meters on a rower or ski erg. For the burpees, reduce the range of motion by performing an up-down.

In case of an injury or limitation, consider the running substitutions mentioned above. For burpees, perform up-downs, push-ups, or mountain climbers.

Intermediate option:
For time:
2,400-meter run
150 burpees
2,400-meter run

Beginner option:
For time:
1,200-meter run
50 burpees
1,200-meter run

Coaching cues:
When you are performing the burpees, focus on jumping your feet to your hands and landing in your heels. This will help maximize efficiency across your reps.

CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
Running | Change in Support Drill
The Burpee

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Friday 250110


8 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 burpee box jump-overs
10-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

♀ 20-inch box and 50-lb dumbbell
♂ 24-inch box and 75-lb dumbbell

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Staff Sgt.Taylor Hoover, 31, of the United States Marine Corps., died Aug. 26, 2021, by a suicide bomber who detonated explosives at Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hoover joined the Marines in September 2010 and was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton. He was deployed five times in his career and presented with many awards and honors. Hoover is survived by his mother, Kelly Barnett; father, Darin Hoover; sisters Tori Manning and Allison Summers, and their families; and his grandparents, nieces and nephews.

Stimulus and Strategy:
Today, we’re doing a Hero workout. Hero workouts are meant to be longer, challenging efforts. This workout is no exception. Expect this to take at least 30 minutes. Choose options that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace. Aim to spend no more than 5 minutes completing a single round.

To adjust the volume, consider reducing the total number of rounds. Reduce the loading of the dumbbell, the height of the box, and the distance of the run.

To reduce the complexity of the burpee box jump-over, consider a burpee box step-over or an up-down step-over. For the dumbbell snatch, consider a hang dumbbell snatch with a lighter load.

In case of injury or limitation, complete 900/1,250 meters on an Echo bike or 400/500 meters on the rower. For the burpee box jump-overs, consider an up-down with a lower step-up. For the bike, use any machine available to accumulate the calories. If there is an overhead limitation, consider performing a kettlebell swing to eye level or a single-arm dumbbell clean.

Intermediate option:
6 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 burpee box jump-overs
10-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 24-inch box and 50-lb dumbbell

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
200-meter run
10 burpee box step-overs
7-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches

12-inch box and 10-lb dumbbell
20-inch box and 15-lb dumbbell

Coaching cues:
On the dumbbell snatch, focus on keeping the snatching arm long through the middle of the pull next to your body as you accelerate. As you extend the hips, pull the elbow high and outside. Then turn your hand and punch the dumbbell overhead as you pull your body underneath the object.

From the Archives: Running Technique
Burpee Box Jump-Over
The Rogue Echo Bike
The Dumbbell Power Snatch
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Friday 241213


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box jumps

♀ 75-lb barbell, 35-lb kettlebell, and 20-inch box
♂115-lb barbell, 53-lb kettlebell, and 24-inch box

Compare to 221029.

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, Washington, died Sept. 29, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley; parents Jack and Cheryl; and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber, and Abi.

For today’s Hero workout, reduce the weight on the push presses and kettlebell swings, and the height of the box so you can perform each exercise unbroken with minimal rest during transitions. Don’t let the load keep you from moving — the goal is constant movement for the duration of the workout.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box jumps

65-lb barbell, 35-lb kettlebell, 20-inch box
95-lb presses, 53-lb kettlebell, 24-inch box

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 push presses
10 kettlebell swings
10 box step-ups

35-lb barbell, 18-lb kettlebell, 12-inch box ♂ 45-lb barbell, 26-lb kettlebell, 20-inch box

Coaching cues:
To speed up the kettlebell swings, focus on pulling the bell back into the starting position between your legs.

The Push Press
The Kettlebell Swing
The Box Jump
The Box Step-Up
Class Demo: Jack From 221029
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Wednesday 241204

3 rounds for time of:
35 dumbbell deadlifts
35 GHD sit-ups
800-meter run

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

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Today’s workout got its inspiration from a Hero workout called Michael. We are still going to run 800 meters, however, we are going to do it at the end of the round to encourage you to move a little quicker, especially in the final round. The dumbbell deadlifts are replacing the back extensions and we’re doing GHD sit-ups instead of AbMat sit-ups. The loading of the dumbbells should be light and allow you to complete your reps in 3 sets or less. Some may be able to go unbroken. If you are not consistently using the GHD, it is not recommended to attempt the prescribed option. Scale the range of motion and the number of reps.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
35 dumbbell deadlifts
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
800-meter run

20-lb dumbbells
35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
20 dumbbell deadlifts
20 sit-ups
400-meter run

10-lb dumbbells
15-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
You should never lose the engagement of your abdominals as you lay back to perform a rep on the GHD. Choose a range of motion that allows you to stay engaged through your mid-section. While a wacky inflatable arm man is mesmerizing, it is never a good technique for your midline.

The Dumbbell Deadlift
The GHD Sit-Up
The CrossFit Running Course
The AbMat Sit-Up

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Monday 241111


For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups

♀ 35-lb ruck, 20-inch box
♂ 45-lb ruck, 20-inch box

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Compare to 231111.

Sara Wilkinson, CrossFit, and Rogue Fitness present the Hero workout CHAD1000X in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy, and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

Click here to officially register and to learn more about CHAD1000X and The Step Up Foundation’s mission to raise awareness around and prevent veteran suicide.

Today’s workout is a long grind. Complete as a team, with a partner, or individually for time. Reduce the load and height of the step-up as needed. If you have completed this workout previously, look back and use that information to help you tackle today’s effort.

Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups
20-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups
30-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups

Beginner option:
For time:
1,000 unweighted box step-ups
No rucksack, you pick the height of the step-ups.

Coaching cues: During each step-up, focus on keeping your knees tracking in line with the toes and standing up by taking your chest to the sky. These two points will ensure the best posture and mechanics throughout the workout.

The Box Step-Up
Tips for Beginners
Partner Tips
CHAD1000X Hero Workout
The Step-Up Foundation
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Tuesday 241015

Task-Priority Nate

10 rounds for time of:
2 ring muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings

♀ 53 lb
♂ 70 lb

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Compare to 221018.

Today’s workout is a take on a classic CrossFit Hero workout Nate. Typically, you are trying to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes. Some might say the clock saves you. However, today the goal is to get through 10 rounds as quickly as possible. The kettlebell loading should be moderate and allow you to go unbroken through all of your sets. Athletes performing this workout as prescribed should aim to complete a round in 2 minutes or less. Look back to the last time we performed Nate to help you choose appropriate options for today’s effort.

Intermediate option:.
7 rounds for time of:
2 ring muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings

35 lb
53 lb

Beginner option:
7 rounds for time of:
2 low-ring muscle-up transitions
4 dumbbell shoulder presses
8 kettlebell swings

18-lb kettlebell and 15-lb dumbbells
26-lb kettlebell and 20-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:
For the muscle-up, as you begin to press/pull the rings to your sternum, bring your hips up toward the sky. Meeting the rings with your body parallel to the ground will make the transition much easier as you begin to fatigue.

The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Kettlebell Swing

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Monday 241007

Tommy V
For time:
21 thrusters
12 rope climbs to 15 feet
15 thrusters
9 rope climbs to 15 feet
9 thrusters
6 rope climbs to 15 feet

♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb

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Compare to 220419.

Today’s Hero workout honors Senior Chief Petty Officer Thomas J. Valentine, 37, of Ham Lake, Minnesota, who died in a training accident in Arizona on Feb. 13, 2008.

Today’s Hero workout is a classic couplet of thrusters and pulling. The loading of the thrusters should be light to moderate and allow you to perform the reps in 3 sets or less. For the rope climbs, 27 total reps is no joke. If you are not regularly accumulating rope climb/pull-up volume, you should scale the total number of reps to align with your capacity. Consider reps schemes like 9-6-3 or 6-4-2. If you are tackling the Rx’d volume, the first 12 reps should take no more than 6 minutes to complete.

Intermediate option:
For time:
21 thrusters
9 rope climbs to 12 feet
15 thrusters
6 rope climbs to 12 feet
9 thrusters
3 rope climbs to 12 feet

65 lb
95 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
21 thrusters
9 pull-to-stands
15 thrusters
6 pull-to-stands
9 thrusters
3 pull-to-stands

45 lb
65 lb

Coaching cues:
Cut down the amount of pulls it takes to get to the top of the rope by trying to bring your knees to your elbows before you stand up and reach for your next pull.

The Thruster
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The Rope Climb (Basket)
Modified Rope Climb
The Grip-Saving Way To Rope Climb
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

Monday 240923

In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.

♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb

Post total bike calories to comments.

Today’s workout is a twist on the Hero workout DT. The goal is to get through your round of DT in 1:10 or less. Once you get to the bike, go hard knowing you have a minute of rest. Your score is total bike calories over all 5 rounds. Choose a barbell weight you can do all 6 shoulder-to-overheads unbroken in all rounds. If you choose to break up the deadlifts and cleans, we recommend 6-5-1 for the deadlifts so you can go right into the hang power cleans after the last single. For the hang power cleans, we would recommend 7 and 2 so you can go right into the shoulder-to-overheads after the final hang clean rep.

Intermediate option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.

95 lb
135 lb

Beginner option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
9 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time

Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

Coaching cues:
If you lose the hook grip in the hang power cleans, try elevating the barbell off your shoulders before you return to the hang position. Treat this little elevation almost like a push press. Once the barbell is off your shoulders, reestablish the hook grip and move into the next rep.

The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
Annie Sakamoto vs. the Echo Bike

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Wednesday 240911

Hero workout of your choice.

Review the list of heroes and honor one with an all-out effort. Post choice of workout and results to comments.

Compare to 230911.

Scaling: Most Hero workouts are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous, and mentally challenging. Many contain a high volume of reps. Consider the movements you have already completed this week and make sure you pick a Hero workout that allows you to keep moving. Hero workouts that emphasize moderate rep ranges and time domains (10 to 30 reps per movement, approximately 15- to 20-minute range) are good choices.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.

Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.

CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
Fallen But Not Forgotten: How CrossFit’s Hero Workouts Honor Fallen Service Members

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Saturday 240810

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

50 box step-ups
50 walking lunges
100-meter ruck

♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb ruck
♂ 20-inch box and 45-lb ruck

Post rounds and reps to comments.

Today’s workout is a longer-duration grunt-work effort, and is meant to help prep you for CHAD1000X in November. Use a load that allows you to keep moving for most of the workout. You should aim to complete at least 2 rounds. Grab a friend or group of people, get out of the gym, and get to work.

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

50 box step-ups
50 walking lunges
100-meter ruck

♀ 20-inch box and 20-lb ruck
♂ 20-inch box and 30-lb ruck

Beginner option:
Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes:

20 box step-ups
15 walking lunges
100-meter walk or jog

12-inch box
12-inch box

Box Step-Up Movement Demo
The Walking Lunge
CHAD Hero Workout Announced for 2024 CrossFit Games

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Friday 240712

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

12 dumbbell deadlifts
9 dumbbell hang power cleans
6 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads

♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells

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Today’s workout should look oddly familiar. This is a dumbbell variation of the Hero workout DT. The loading of the dumbbells should be on the lighter side of moderate and allow you to perform all 27 reps in 3 sets or less. More advanced athletes should try to maintain unbroken reps for as many rounds as possible, while less-experienced athletes should consider strategic breaks to keep moving through the rounds. For example, perform 11 deadlifts, then break. After a quick breath, perform your 12th deadlift and move right into 8 hang power cleans before breaking. After a quick breath, perform your last hang power clean and finish the round by completing 6 shoulder-to-overheads. The goal for everyone is to perform at least 5 total rounds, but can anyone get 10?

Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

12 dumbbell deadlifts
9 dumbbell hang power cleans
6 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads

20-lb dumbbells
35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

12 dumbbell deadlifts
9 dumbbell hang power cleans
6 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads

10-lb dumbbells
15-lb dumbbells

Coaching cues:

Training with dumbbells is a potent way to address muscle imbalances, requiring stabilization on each side and improving overall coordination.

Dumbbells are also a great tool to reduce the complexity of lifts like the snatch and clean for newer athletes and those with front-rack limitations.

The Dumbbell Deadlift
The Dumbbell Hang Clean
The Dumbbell Push Jerk

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Friday 240628

Guest Programmer – Christian Harris
June 24-July 7, 2024

Operation Red Wings

For time:

3/4-mile run (1,200 meters)


16 rounds for time of:
8 toes-to-bars
8 burpee box jump-overs


47 goblet squats

♀20-inch box and a 53-lb kettlebell
♂24-inch box and a 70-lb kettlebell

On June 28, 2005, an MH-47 Chinook helicopter carrying a Quick Reaction Force of eight Navy SEALs and eight Army Night Stalkers (members of the U.S. Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment) were killed in action during Operation Red Wings in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. This part of the operation was an attempt to rescue Lt. Michael P. Murphy, Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Danny Dietz, Sonar Technician 2nd Class Matthew Axelson, and Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Marcus Luttrell, who had been cut off and outnumbered by Taliban fighters during a reconnaissance mission deep behind enemy lines. Three of the four SEALs on the ground were killed — Murphy, Axelson, and Dietz — with Luttrell being the lone survivor. The other eight SEALs and eight Night Stalkers were killed when the MH-47 Chinook, coming in to aid the ground team, was shot down by an enemy RPG and the helicopter broke apart, crashing down into the side of a mountain.

- ¾-mile run to commemorate the three out of four SEALs killed on the ground

- 16 rounds to commemorate the 16 service members killed during the rescue attempt

- 8 toes-to-bars to commemorate the eight Night Stalkers

- 8 burpee box jump-overs to commemorate the eight SEALs

- 47 goblet squats for the MH-47 Chinook that was lost

This workout is meant to be very grueling and mentally challenging. The workout begins with a ¾-mile (or 1,200-meter) run. From there, it’s a 16-round couplet of 8 toes-to-bars and 8 burpee box jump-overs. It’s a relatively small amount of work for 1 round, but it will compound over time. The redundancy will make this as much of a mental test as a physical one, so keep your head in it and find a way to keep yourself going. After the 16th round is complete, the workout finishes with 47 goblet squats. All athletes should reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet challenging.

Intermediate option:

For time:

3/4-mile run (1,200 meters)


12 rounds for time of:
6 knees-to-chest
6 burpee box jump-overs


47 goblet squats

♀20-inch box and a 35-lb kettlebell
♂24-inch box and a 53-lb kettlebell

Beginner option:
For time:

600-meter run


8 rounds for time of:
6 hanging knee raises
6 burpee box step-ups


47 air squats

12-inch box
20-inch box

Coaching Cues:
The figure-4 position is key to efficient running mechanics. To continue to develop running skills, practice standing with one leg up in a figure-4 hold.

Keep your shoulders over your hips, hips over your heel, and the heel of your lifted leg in line with the knee.

From there, work on quickly switching legs and holding the figure-4 without changing your overall body position.

Take these positions into your warm-up and workout for Operation Red Wings, and notice the difference in efficiency and speed!

Running Workshop: Pose Alignment
The Kipping Toes-to-bar
The Burpee Box Jump-Over
More on Operation Red Wings

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Monday 240610

CrossFit Service Cup, Workout 3

Kelly Brown

5 rounds for time:
440-meter row
10 box jumps
10 deadlifts
10 wall-ball shots

♀ 24-inch box, 185-lb barbell, and 14-lb med ball
♂ 30-inch box, 275-lb barbell, and 20-lb med ball

Time cap: 25 minutes

Compare to 201113.

Post times or rounds/reps to comments.

Today's workout is the final 2024 Service Cup workout in honor of CrossFit Kids Seminar Staff Flowmaster Kelly Brown who died on Sept. 15, 2020, after a courageous five-year battle with ovarian cancer.

This workout is a grind that rewards a consistent and steady pace. Aim to complete each round in 5 minutes or less. The load of the barbell should allow you to perform at least 3 unbroken deadlifts every time you pick it up. The prescribed load of the medicine ball has been adjusted from the original workout to make it more accessible for the Service Cup. If you are not signed up for the Service Cup, feel free to use the original load for the wall-ball shots (20/30 lb). Work hard and have fun.

Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time:
440-meter row
10 box jumps
10 deadlifts
10 wall-ball shots

20-inch box, 95-lb barbell, and 10-lb med ball
24-inch box, 135-lb barbell, and 14-lb med ball

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time:
440-meter row
10 box step-ups
10 deadlifts
10 wall-ball shots

12-inch box, 55-lb barbell, and 6-lb med ball
20-inch box, 75-lb barbell, and 10-lb med ball

The Box Jump
The Box Step-up
The Deadlift
The Wall-ball Shot
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Featured photo:
Taken by RXdPhotography at CrossFit Shapesmiths in London, England.

Saturday 240608

CrossFit Service Cup, Workout 2


For time:
75 power snatches

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

Time cap: 10 minutes

Compare to 240410.

Post time or reps to comments.

Today's workout is the second 2024 Service Cup workout in honor of Randy Simmons, an LAPD SWAT team member who died in the line of duty on Feb. 7, 2008.

This is a fast, lightweight barbell-cycling workout similar to the benchmark workout, Isabel. Choose a load that allows you to perform at least 10 unbroken reps every time you pick up the barbell. The load should feel light (very light for some). Reduce the load so you can perform multiple reps unbroken and complete the workout in less than 8 minutes. Athletes who are less familiar with Olympic lifting should take time to drill the mechanics of the snatch and reduce the load and reps.

Intermediate option:
For time:
50 power snatches

45 lb
55 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
40 power snatches

35 lb
45 lb

The Power Snatch
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Featured photo:
Taken by Jessé Motta at VP CrossFit in São Paulo, Brazil.

Friday 240607

CrossFit Service Cup, Workout 1


For time:
50 pull-ups
400-meter run
21 thrusters
800-meter run
21 thrusters
400-meter run
50 pull-ups

♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb

Time cap: 20 minutes

Compare to 221221.

Post time or reps to comments.

Today's workout is the first 2024 Service Cup workout in honor of Army Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Crabtree, who was killed in action on June 8, 2006, while serving in Al Kut, Iraq.

This workout is pyramid-style with a moderate time domain. Use a light load for the thrusters that allows you to reach proper depth and maintain sound mechanics. You should be able to complete the thrusters in no more than 3 sets and in 90 seconds or less. Scale each element as needed to start the 800-meter run by about 7 minutes into the workout, allowing for completion in under 20 minutes. Complete the pull-ups in sets of 10+ and aim for no more than 5 sets, or 3 minutes, to finish each set of 50 reps.

Intermediate option:
For time:
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 pull-ups or jumping pull-ups

45 lb
65 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
25 assisted pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 assisted pull-ups

35 lb
45 lb

The Kipping Pull-up
The Thruster
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts

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Monday 240527


For time:
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
*If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body armor, wear it.


Hero workout of your choice

Review the list of Hero workouts and honor someone with an all-out effort.

Post your choice of workout and result to comments.

If you perform Murph, don’t forget to log your score in the Progress tab in the CrossFit app.

You can also support the Murph Challenge by officially registering at or by donating directly to the LT Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation at

Today’s workout was created in 2005 in memory of Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, New York, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. This workout was one of Mike’s favorites, and he’d named it “Body Armor.” It is now referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Compare to 230529.

By design, most Hero workouts are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous, and mentally challenging. Many contain a very high volume of reps. Keep in mind that “challenging” is a relative term and athletes should adjust workouts to align with their physical and psychological tolerances. If you are performing Murph, partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Consider 20 sets of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats or 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, and 30 air squats. If you have completed Murph previously, consider performing the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats unpartitioned. Beginner athletes should reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet still challenging.

Intermediate option:
For time:
Run 1 mile
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 air squats
Run 1 mile

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Head out for the second run no later than 25 minutes into your workout.


Hero workout of your choice.

Review the list of Hero workouts and honor someone with an all-out effort.

Beginner option: For time:
Run 800 meters

Then, 10 rounds of:
5 ring rows
10 push-ups with hands elevated on a box
15 air squats

Then, run 800 meters

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Head out for the second run no later than 20 minutes into your workout.


Hero workout of your choice.

Review the list of Hero workouts and honor someone with an all-out effort.

The Kipping Pull-up
The Push-up
The Air Squat
Murph Hero Workout
Memorial Day Murph: An Origin Story
Fallen But Not Forgotten: How CrossFit’s Hero Workouts Honor Fallen Service Members
Download the CrossFit Games app

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Featured photo:
The Murph Challenge

Thursday 240523

Rest Day

CrossFit introduced Murph as an official Hero workout in 2005. But the phenomenon of Memorial Day Murph was born organically within the affiliate community.

Watch: “Memorial Day Murph: An Origin Story”

CrossFit is proud
to partner with The Murph Challenge as an official 2024 host. Find a CrossFit gym near you and sign up now for the Murph Challenge.

Monday 240429


7 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
29 back squats

♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb

Post time to comments.

Compare to 220429

Today’s Hero workout recognizes 1st Lt. Travis Manion. This workout is long, with a high volume of running and squats. The loading of the barbell should be relatively light, but expect the volume to add up across the workout. Scale load to enable you to perform a few rounds of squats unbroken and perform all rounds in 2 sets or less. Less-experienced athletes should reduce the rounds and load to keep the workout under 40 minutes.

1st Lt. Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, was killed by sniper fire on April 29, 2007, while fighting against an enemy ambush in Anbar Province, Iraq. He is survived by his father, Col. Tom Manion, mother Janet Manion, and sister Ryan Borek.

Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
29 back squats

75 lb
115 lb

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
Jog 400 meters
29 back squats

35 lb
45 lb

The Back Squat
If Not Me, Then Who? — Honoring the Legacy of Travis Manion
The Travis Manion Foundation

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2022 NOBULL CrossFit Games Mock Affiliate

Monday 240422

Rest Day

Prepare for the upcoming Murph workout with CrossFit Affiliate Programming's free 6-week training program.

Murph was introduced as a CrossFit Hero workout on Aug. 18, 2005, and has become a long-standing tradition observed by CrossFit and a broader global community of athletes. Thousands of CrossFit gyms program Murph each year on Memorial Day as a way to honor Lt. Murphy and all others who have served.

Learn more about the Murph workout and Official 2024 Murph Challenge, and get the free 6-week training program at

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Wednesday 240410


For time:
75 power snatches

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

Compare to 230619.

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Today's workout is in honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27-year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed Feb. 7, 2008, in the line of duty. He is survived by his wife, Lisa; son, Matthew; and daughter, Gabrielle.

Today’s Hero workout is a sprint. The loading should feel light (very light for some). Reduce the load so you can perform multiple reps unbroken and complete all the reps in less than 8 minutes. Athletes who are less familiar with Olympic lifting should take time to drill the mechanics of the snatch and reduce the load and reps.

Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d

Beginner option:
For time:
50 power snatches

♀ 15-35 lb
♂ 25-45 lb

The Power Snatch
Jonne Koski Sets Randy Record at the 2015 Regionals

Visit CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts to see the six newest CrossFit Hero workouts: Triple Deuce, TPT9000, Garbo, McCartney, Wesley, and Hammy.

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Featured photo:
Photo: 2024 CrossFit for Health Summit in Austin, Texas

Monday 240318


3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

Compare to 220906.

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Today's workout is in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, New York, who was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2015. He is survived by his wife, Laura, and daughter, Molly.

This Hero workout is a long effort with a high volume of reps. Athletes hitting this as prescribed should aim to finish each round in 9 minutes or less. Focus on the movement you are performing on the GHD (back extension or hip extension). Most athletes deliberately scale the back extension to the hip extension to maintain intensity and achieve the stimulus of the workout. The back extension is a controlled movement with an intentional surrendering of the spine. Dose this movement judiciously. Advanced athletes may scale the volume of the back extension if they have never completed this volume. New and less-experienced athletes should consider performing hip extensions instead of back extensions, and potentially decrease the reps of each movement.

Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
35 back extensions
35 sit-ups

Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
Jog 400 meters
25 PVC pipe good-mornings
15-25 sit-ups

The Back Extension
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Good Morning

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Looking for the CrossFit Open Workout?

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Reminder: 24.3 scores are due before 5 p.m. PT, Monday, March 18.

Featured photo:
Photo by Tai Randall during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit Tradition in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.

Saturday 240309

For time:
50 GHD sit-ups
40 overhead squats
30 burpees
20 handstand push-ups
10 ring muscle-ups

♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb

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Today’s chipper is a sprint, but expect significant localized muscle fatigue. Workouts with conflicting movement patterns are a great way to build strength and stamina — you also quickly find out how many repetitions you can do before hitting failure. If you have done the Hero workout JT, you’ll understand the feeling.

The load of the barbell should be relatively light and allow you to perform the overhead squats in 3 sets or less. Reduce the volume first when scaling the GHD sit-ups, handstand push-ups, or ring muscle-ups. If you modify the muscle-ups, perform a challenging variation of a low-ring muscle-up transition.

Intermediate option:
For time:
50 GHD sit-ups (to parallel)
40 overhead squats
30 burpees
10 handstand push-ups
5 ring muscle-ups

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

Beginner option:
For time:
50 sit-ups
40 overhead squats
30 burpees
20 dumbbell shoulder presses
10 low-ring muscle-up transitions

♀ 35-lb barbell and 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 45-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells

The GHD Sit-Up
The Overhead Squat
The Burpee
The Handstand Push-Up
The Ring Muscle-Up
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Dumbbell Press

Looking for the CrossFit Open Workout?

See the Open Workout →

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Reminder: 24.2 scores are due before 5 p.m. PT, Monday, March 11.

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Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff during Open Workout 24.2 at CrossFit Active in Waverton, Australia.

Wednesday 240221


5 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb

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Compare to 220922.

The rep scheme and moderate load of this Hero workout allows it to be completed quickly and with only short breaks. Intermediate athletes can reduce the load or try it as prescribed. Beginner-level athletes should reduce the load.

Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb

Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb

The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Jerk

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Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff at Inner West CrossFit in Sydney, Australia.

Friday 240202


5 rounds for time of:
15 dumbbell split cleans
21 pull-ups

♀ 25-lb dumbbells
♂ 40-lb dumbbells

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Compare to 180719.

Canadian Army Master Corporal Erin Doyle, 32, was killed in a firefight Aug. 11, 2008, in the Panjwaii District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Nicole and his daughter Zarine.

Today’s workout is a Hero. Compared to other Hero WODs, this is quick and should not be drawn out into a long slog. To keep moving, reduce the weight and reps on the split cleans. Modify the pull-ups so each round can be completed in 3 or 4 sets.

Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
12 dumbbell split cleans
15 pull-ups

♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells

Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell split cleans
12 ring rows

♀ 15-lb dumbbells
♂ 20-lb dumbbells

The Kipping Pull-Up
The Butterfly Pull-Up
The Ring Row

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2024 Open Registration is LIVE!
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Saturday 231111


For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups

♀ 35-lb ruck, 20-inch box
♂ 45-lb ruck, 20-inch box

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Sara Wilkinson, GORUCK, and CrossFit present the Hero workout CHAD1000X in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad’s life and legacy and to raise awareness for suicide prevention.

Click here to officially register and to learn more about CHAD1000X and The Step Up Foundation’s mission to raise awareness around and prevent veteran suicide.

Complete as a team, with a partner, or individually for time. Reduce the load and height of the step-up as needed.

Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000 weighted step-ups

♀ 20-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups
♂ 30-lb ruck, you pick the height of the step-ups

Beginner option:
For time:
1,000 unweighted box step-ups

No rucksack. You pick the height of the step-ups.

Video Resources:

Watch Now → Tips for Beginners

Watch Now → Partner Tips

Thursday 231109

Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.

10 rounds for time of:
100-m sprint
10 pull-ups
100-m sprint
10 burpees
Rest 30 seconds

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Compare to 110817.

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Bradley R. Smith, 24, of Troy, Illinois, assigned to the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron, based in Fort Riley, Kansas, was killed on January 3, 2010, by an improvised explosive device in Zhari district, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Tiffany; daughter Chloe; parents Gary and Paula; and brother Ryan.

Modify the sprint to a fast jog to maintain consistent splits for each round. Reduce the volume of pull-ups or scale to ring rows. Reduce the volume of burpees to complete each set in short, fast efforts.

Intermediate option:
10 rounds for time of:
100-m sprint
7 pull-ups
100-m sprint
7 burpees
Rest 30 seconds

Beginner option:
10 rounds for time of:
50-m run
7 ring rows
50-m run
7 burpees
Rest 30 seconds

Wednesday 231108

Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.

For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2,000 meters
Run 1 mile

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Compare to 211118.

Sgt. Maj. Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on Oct. 15, 2008, during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. Jerry is survived by his wife Molly; and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase, and Connor.

Reduce the distance of either the run, the row, or both as needed to complete each individual effort in under 10:00. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.

Beginner option:
For time:
Run 800 meters
Row 1,000 meters
Run 800 meters

Tuesday 231107

Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.

30 rounds for time of:

5 wall-ball shots
3 handstand push-ups
1 power clean

♀ 14-lb ball, 155-lb clean
♂ 20-lb ball, 225-lb clean

Post time to comments.

Compare to 211122.

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin; son Zachary; parents Ross and Glenda; and siblings Kelly and Daniel.

This is a long Hero workout. Reduce the overall rounds in order to complete the work in 25 minutes or less.

Intermediate option:
25 rounds for time of:

5 wall-ball shots
3 handstand push-ups
1 power clean

♀ 14-lb ball, 125-lb clean
♂ 20-lb ball, 185-lb clean

Beginner option:
10 rounds for time of:

5 wall-ball shots
3 push-ups
1 power clean

♀ 6-lb ball, 55-lb clean
♂ 10-lb ball, 75-lb clean

Monday 230911

Hero workout of your choice.
Review the list of heroes and honor one with an all-out effort.

Post choice of workout and results to comments. Compare to 220530.

Most Hero workouts are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous, and mentally challenging. Many contain a very high volume of reps. As we’re just coming off of the Filthy Fifty, make sure you pick a Hero workout that allows you to keep moving. Hero workouts that emphasize moderate rep ranges and time domains (10-30 reps/movement, approximately 15-20-minute range) are good choices as well.

Tuesday 230808


For time:
50 burpees
400-m run
100 push-ups
400-m run
150 walking lunges
400-m run
200 squats
400-m run
150 walking lunges
400-m run
100 push-ups
400-m run
50 burpees

This Hero WOD is long and grueling. Most of the exercises are approachable by all skill levels, but the total volume should be reduced for newer athletes.

Intermediate Option:
For time:
40 burpees
400-m run
80 push-ups
400-m run
120 walking lunges
400-m run
160 squats
400-m run
120 walking lunges
400-m run
80 push-ups
400-m run
40 burpees

Beginner Option:
For time:
20 burpees
200-m run
30 knee push-ups
200-m run
40 walking lunges
200-m run
50 squats
200-m run
40 walking lunges
200-m run
30 knee push-ups
200-m run
20 burpees

Monday 230529

Hero workout of your choice.
Review the list of 203 heroes and honor one with an all-out effort.

Post choice of workout and result to comments.
Compare to 220530.

Most Hero workouts are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous, and mentally challenging. Many contain a very high volume of reps. Reduce the work to a level that is attainable yet still challenging.
