Murph is a CrossFit Hero workout that stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy, who died heroically in the line of duty in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005.
Murph was introduced as a CrossFit Hero workout on Aug. 18, 2005, and has become a long-standing tradition observed by CrossFit and a broader global community of athletes. Thousands of CrossFit gyms program Murph each year on Memorial Day as a way to honor Lt. Murphy and all others who have served.
\n","floatPosition":"floatRight","floatWidth":"floatWidthHalf"}},{"name":"FAQModule","props":{"headline":"About the Murph Workout","questions":[{"headlineText":"How do I complete the Murph workout?","questionText":"
As prescribed, Murph is performed for time. It starts with a 1-mile run, followed by a grueling sequence of 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats. The workout concludes with another 1-mile run. Athletes may partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats as needed. For an extra challenge, some experienced athletes perform each movement’s repetitions unpartitioned and follow the original workout recommendation to add body armor or a weight vest.
\n"},{"headlineText":"How do I adjust Murph for me?","questionText":"
Strategies and Scaling Options
Murph, like all CrossFit Hero workouts, is intended to be a challenging test of an athlete’s physical fitness, endurance, and mental toughness. That said, there are various scaling options so individuals of all abilities can complete Murph at a level suitable for them.
Intermediate Variation: Murph With Reduced Volume
For intermediate athletes who may be doing their first Murph, reducing the volume of work can make this Hero workout more approachable.
The Intermediate variation is: \nFor time: \n1-mile run \n50 pull-ups \n100 push-ups \n150 air squats \n1-mile run
Consider moving on from the middle section at 25:00 and heading out the door for your second run.
Beginner Variation: Murph With Modified Movements
For beginner athletes and those who are working to develop capacity and full range of motion in push-ups and pull-ups, movement modifications may be used in combination with reduced volume.
A good starting point for Murph beginners is:
For time: \n800-meter run \n50 ring rows or jumping pull-ups \n100 push-ups from the knees or with hands elevated to a box \n150 air squats \n800-meter run
Consider moving on from the middle section at 20:00 and heading out the door for your second run.
Another Common Approach: Partitioned \n \nA widely embraced tactic for managing the significant volume of work is to complete rounds of another common CrossFit benchmark workout: Cindy. Athletes who use this method break the work into 10-20 rounds, each comprising 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats, in the same sequence as the CrossFit benchmark Cindy. This method has proven to be an efficient means of pacing oneself through the rigors of the challenge. A good target for athletes is to perform the middle section of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats in 20 minutes or less, whether that involves completing 20 rounds, 10 rounds, or some other volume of rounds.
Maximizing the Challenge
For those seeking to maximize the challenge, performing Murph without partitioning and while wearing a weight vest presents the highest test of endurance and strength possible in this workout.
\n"},{"headlineText":"What is a \"good\" Murph workout time?","questionText":"
Beginner and intermediate athletes who are modifying the workout to preserve the intended stimulus should review the workout variations above to set time domain goals. For overall time ranges to strive for, here is what a good Murph time looks like across all three versions of the workout:
Beginner: 25-30 minutes
Intermediate: 32-40 minutes
Rx’d: 36-46 minutes*
Elite: Rx’d version in less than 35 minutes
* If you expect the Rx’d version of this workout to take you more than 46 minutes, consider using the intermediate or beginner scaling options.
\n"},{"headlineText":"How do I train for Murph?","questionText":"
The CrossFit Programming team has created a free 6-week training program to prepare you for Murph.
The goal of this training is to support your journey to completing Murph at the end of May. Whether this is your first time tackling Murph or if it is an annual benchmark, this program will help you prepare for this challenging and meaningful Hero workout.
\n"},{"headlineText":"What is the Murph Challenge?","questionText":"
Since its inception in 2014, the Murph Challenge has served as the official annual fundraiser for the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation. Presented by Forged®, this challenge has garnered substantial support, amassing over $2,000,000 in funds. These contributions have been pivotal in awarding numerous scholarships and the establishment of the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Navy SEAL Museum/Sea Cadet Training Facility in Long Island, New York. Registration for the Murph Challenge starts April 1 and includes participation on the Official Worldwide Leaderboard, where athletes can see how they stack up against other participants around the globe.
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Our certified coach led group training and fitness classes feature strength, conditioning, and functional workouts.","title":"CrossFit Gyms in [State] | Functional Fitness Classes & Group Training"}}}},"user":{},"coachCertifications":{}}
1-mile run
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1-mile run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body armor, wear it.
For time:
1-mile run
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 air squats
1-mile run
Partition reps as desired.
Start the second run no later than 25:00.
For time:
800-meter run
Then, 10 rounds of:
5 ring rows
10 push-ups (from knees or with hands elevated on a box)
15 air squats
Then, 800-meter run
Start the second run no later than 20:00.
What Is Murph?
Murph is a CrossFit Hero workout that stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of U.S. Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy, who died heroically in the line of duty in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005.
Murph was introduced as a CrossFit Hero workout on Aug. 18, 2005, and has become a long-standing tradition observed by CrossFit and a broader global community of athletes. Thousands of CrossFit gyms program Murph each year on Memorial Day as a way to honor Lt. Murphy and all others who have served.
About the Murph Workout
As prescribed, Murph is performed for time. It starts with a 1-mile run, followed by a grueling sequence of 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 air squats. The workout concludes with another 1-mile run. Athletes may partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats as needed. For an extra challenge, some experienced athletes perform each movement’s repetitions unpartitioned and follow the original workout recommendation to add body armor or a weight vest.
Strategies and Scaling Options
Murph, like all CrossFit Hero workouts, is intended to be a challenging test of an athlete’s physical fitness, endurance, and mental toughness. That said, there are various scaling options so individuals of all abilities can complete Murph at a level suitable for them.
Intermediate Variation: Murph With Reduced Volume
For intermediate athletes who may be doing their first Murph, reducing the volume of work can make this Hero workout more approachable.
The Intermediate variation is:
For time:
1-mile run
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 air squats
1-mile run
Consider moving on from the middle section at 25:00 and heading out the door for your second run.
Beginner Variation: Murph With Modified Movements
For beginner athletes and those who are working to develop capacity and full range of motion in push-ups and pull-ups, movement modifications may be used in combination with reduced volume.
A good starting point for Murph beginners is:
For time:
800-meter run
50 ring rows or jumping pull-ups
100 push-ups from the knees or with hands elevated to a box
150 air squats
800-meter run
Consider moving on from the middle section at 20:00 and heading out the door for your second run.
Another Common Approach: Partitioned
A widely embraced tactic for managing the significant volume of work is to complete rounds of another common CrossFit benchmark workout: Cindy. Athletes who use this method break the work into 10-20 rounds, each comprising 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats, in the same sequence as the CrossFit benchmark Cindy. This method has proven to be an efficient means of pacing oneself through the rigors of the challenge. A good target for athletes is to perform the middle section of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats in 20 minutes or less, whether that involves completing 20 rounds, 10 rounds, or some other volume of rounds.
Maximizing the Challenge
For those seeking to maximize the challenge, performing Murph without partitioning and while wearing a weight vest presents the highest test of endurance and strength possible in this workout.
Beginner and intermediate athletes who are modifying the workout to preserve the intended stimulus should review the workout variations above to set time domain goals. For overall time ranges to strive for, here is what a good Murph time looks like across all three versions of the workout:
Beginner: 25-30 minutes
Intermediate: 32-40 minutes
Rx’d: 36-46 minutes*
Elite: Rx’d version in less than 35 minutes
* If you expect the Rx’d version of this workout to take you more than 46 minutes, consider using the intermediate or beginner scaling options.
The CrossFit Programming team has created a free 6-week training program to prepare you for Murph.
The goal of this training is to support your journey to completing Murph at the end of May. Whether this is your first time tackling Murph or if it is an annual benchmark, this program will help you prepare for this challenging and meaningful Hero workout.
Since its inception in 2014, the Murph Challenge has served as the official annual fundraiser for the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation. Presented by Forged®, this challenge has garnered substantial support, amassing over $2,000,000 in funds. These contributions have been pivotal in awarding numerous scholarships and the establishment of the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Navy SEAL Museum/Sea Cadet Training Facility in Long Island, New York. Registration for the Murph Challenge starts April 1 and includes participation on the Official Worldwide Leaderboard, where athletes can see how they stack up against other participants around the globe.
Register now to take on the Murph Challenge to see how you stack up against other participants worldwide. All participants can submit their time to the Official Worldwide Leaderboard.