For time:
30 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts
30 ring dips
30 power cleans
30 pull-ups
30 thrusters
♀ 155-lb deadlifts, 95-lb cleans, 65-lb thrusters
♂ 225-lb deadlifts, 135-lb cleans, 95-lb thrusters
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a chipper and may look familiar. This mash-up fuses together three classic CrossFit benchmarks: Diane, Elizabeth, and Fran, but with fewer reps than the traditional 45 of each movement. That said, this should challenge you to keep moving and maintain larger chunks of reps. All athletes should use options that allow them to finish in 15 minutes or less. Advanced athletes may be able to go sub-10.
Reduce the loading of each barbell to something that feels moderate-to-light for each movement and that you can complete in sets of at least 10 while fresh.
To reduce the complexity of the handstand push-up, perform a pike push-up or dumbbell shoulder press. For the ring dips, lower the rings to a position that allows your feet to touch the ground. Then use them to help you move through the range of motion. For the pull-ups, perform a jumping pull-up or ring row. For the barbell movements, reduce the loading to something that allows you to focus on the technique and move safely.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider using a single dumbbell for most of the movements. Perform a single-arm shoulder press for the handstand push-ups, a dumbbell sumo deadlift for the deadlift or an unweighted good morning, a push-up or dumbbell floor press for the ring dips, a single-arm dumbbell power clean for the power cleans, a single-arm ring row for the pull-ups, and a single-arm dumbbell thruster, dumbbell front squat, or dumbbell push press for the thruster.
Intermediate option:
For time:
30 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts
30 ring dips
30 power cleans
30 pull-ups
30 thrusters
♀ 125-lb deadlifts, 65-lb cleans, 55-lb thrusters
♂ 185-lb deadlifts, 95-lb cleans, 75-lb thrusters
Beginner option:
For time:
20 dumbbell shoulder presses
20 deadlifts
20 foot-assisted ring dips
20 power cleans
20 ring rows
20 thrusters
♀ 10-lb dumbbells, 55-lb deadlifts, 35-lb cleans, 35-lb thrusters
♂ 15-lb dumbbells, 75-lb deadlifts, 45-lb cleans, 45-lb thrusters
Coaching cues:
For the power cleans in today’s workout, it may be tempting to perform muscle cleans or use more upper body. Be cautious as the next movement is pull-ups. Instead, focus on using your legs and pulling into a partial squat.
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Deadlift
The Ring Dip
The Power Clean
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Thruster
Ring Dip Scaling
The Ring Row
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7 sets for load of:
1 snatch-grip deadlift
1 snatch pull
1 snatch
1 overhead squat
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a heavy day with a snatch complex. The goal is to build across each set, working up as heavy as possible. Keep in mind that heavy is relative to each person's capacity and technique. Do not increase the loading if safety or technique are in jeopardy. As you complete each set, a regrip is allowed between the deadlift and snatch pull, and after the snatch pull. However, do not spend more than 10 seconds between movements. The snatch can be performed as a power or squat variation.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the integrity of each movement.
To reduce the complexity of the movement, reduce the load to an empty barbell or PVC pipe. For the snatch, perform a hang power snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform this complex with a clean variation (clean-grip deadlift, clean pull, clean, and front squat). This complex can also be performed with a single dumbbell. For the overhead squat, consider an overhead lunge if overhead mobility is limited.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.
Coaching cues:
Use the hips and legs to drive the barbell up, then press under the bar to receive it as high as possible. As the load increases, expect to receive the bar in a lower squat.
The Snatch
The Power Snatch
What Is a Snatch?
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For reps:
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute of alternating single-leg squats
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of double-unders
2 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of double-unders
3 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout takes three movements and gives you an increasing amount of time to accumulate reps. If you are proficient in each movement, keep moving for as much of the interval as possible. Limit yourself to small breaks and push your thresholds in each movement. Less-experienced athletes should not push to failure or exhaustion because you will end up spending more time recovering. Instead, perform a few reps, take small breaks, and then continue to chip away. Expect the longer intervals to require more strategy in comparison to the single minute of work. Going all out for 2 or 3 minutes may not set you up for success in the following movement.
Reduce the loading of the barbell.
To reduce the complexity of the double-under, perform single-unders, double-under attempts, or a mix of both. For the single-leg squats, consider squatting to a target or performing a reverse lunge. For the hang clean and jerks, use one or two dumbbells.
In case of injury or limitation, perform calories on any machine in place of the double-unders. For the single-leg squats, consider performing a lunge or an air squat. For the hang clean and jerks, consider a muscle clean and shoulder press with a barbell or dumbbells. If you have an overhead limitation, you can also forgo the jerk and just perform the clean.
Intermediate option:
For reps:
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute of alternating single-leg squats
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of double-unders
2 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of double-unders
3 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
For reps:
1 minute of single-unders
1 minute of alternating reverse lunges
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of single-unders
2 minutes of alternating reverse lunges
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of single-unders
3 minutes of alternating reverse lunges
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
As you jump in the double-under, avoid letting your hands follow you upward. Instead, force your hands down as you jump up.
The Double-Under
The Single-Leg Squat
The Hang Clean
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Jerk
The Split Jerk
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Rest Day
Featured Article
Mastering Efficiency: The Core-to-Extremity Movement Theme
At CrossFit’s Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate Courses, athletes learn the foundational movement theme of “core-to-extremity,” a principle that underpins safe, efficient, and powerful movement patterns. Core-to-extremity describes the ideal sequence of force generation, starting with the midline and progressing outward to the extremities, enabling you to stabilize your spine, maximize force, and prevent injury. Movements like the clean, push press, and rowing stroke demonstrate this concept, but poor mechanics — such as early pulling or pressing — can compromise performance and safety. By focusing on proper execution and identifying common faults, you can refine your mechanics, improve efficiency, and achieve better results.
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21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches
Ring dips
L-sit hold on the rings (perform seconds instead of reps)
♀ 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 50-lb dumbbell
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a saucy little number. Push to complete this effort in 15 minutes or less. The loading of the dumbbell should allow you to complete all sets unbroken. For the ring dips, choose a scaling option that allows you to maintain consistent sets of 5 reps or more without excessive rest between sets. The L-sit hold option you choose should allow you to complete each effort in 2 sets or less.
Reduce the loading of the dumbbell to maintain unbroken reps. If you can perform the prescribed movements, but the volume is too much, consider reducing the reps and seconds to 14-12-10-8-6-4-2.
To reduce the complexity of the dumbbell snatch, perform the movement from the hang position. On the ring dips, lower the rings so your feet can touch the floor and add assistance where you need it throughout the range of motion. You can perform a jumping ring dip or a foot-assisted strict ring dip. For the L-sit holds, consider bending one or both legs. You can even come off the rings and perform your holds in a more stable position like on a pair of boxes or dumbbells. If you are unable to perform a variation of the L-sit hold, substitute seated leg raises.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a dumbbell clean or a single-arm kettlebell swing in place of the snatch. For the ring dips, consider a push-up or single-arm dumbbell floor press or bench press. For the L-sit hold, consider sit-ups or a plank hold.
Intermediate option:
14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches
Ring dips
L-sit hold on the rings with legs bent (perform seconds instead of reps)
♀ 20-lb dumbbell
♂ 35-lb dumbbell
Beginner option:
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps for time of:
Alternating dumbbell snatches
Foot-assisted ring dips
Seated leg raises
♀ 10-lb dumbbell
♂ 15-lb dumbbell
Coaching cues:
On the rings, lift your chest to help maintain your L-sit hold. If your chest and gaze drop, your hips will shift back slightly, making it more difficult to keep your legs parallel with the ground. Conversely, a tall posture keeps your hips forward, reducing the effort required to lift your legs.
The Dumbbell Snatch
The Ring Dip
The L-Sit | Parallettes
L-Sit Scaling
Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
400-meter run
30 GHD sit-ups
20 box jumps
10 power cleans
♀ 20-inch box and 145-lb barbell
♂ 24-inch box and 205-lb barbell
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is heavier and a longer duration. The goal is to perform 3 or more rounds. The loading of the barbell should be moderately heavy and allow you to perform singles for most of the workout. Expect the GHD sit-ups and box jumps to fatigue your quads, hip flexors, and explosive movement. Because of this, your cleans may feel heavier than expected. Focus on being as tall as possible and getting the shoulders behind the barbell at the top of the lift before pulling into the receiving position. For the GHD sit-ups, if you are not familiar with this movement and consistently training on the GHD, reduce the reps and range of motion.
Reduce the distance of each run. Reduce the reps on the box jumps and GHD sit-ups. Reduce the loading of the barbell.
To reduce the complexity of the box jump, lower the height to maintain the jump or perform a step-up. For the GHD sit-up, reduce the range of motion or perform a V-up or a sit-up. For the power cleans, consider performing the reps from the hang position or with a pair of dumbbells.
In case of injury or limitation, for the 400-meter run, perform a 900/1,250-meter Echo bike or 400/500-meter row. For the box jumps, perform step-ups or lunges. For the GHD sit-ups, perform sit-ups or plank shoulder taps.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
400-meter run
30 GHD sit-ups to parallel
20 box jumps
10 power cleans
♀ 20-inch box and 105-lb barbell
♂ 24-inch box and 155-lb barbell
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
200-meter run
20 sit-ups
15 box step-ups
10 power cleans
♀ 12-inch box and 35-lb barbell
♂ 20-inch box and 45-lb barbell
Coaching cues:
During the power clean, stay patient on your second pull. Once the barbell passes your knees, continue to keep your shoulders over your bar and wait until the barbell gets close to your hips before you extend the hips and begin the third pull.
The Box Jump
The GHD Sit-Up
The Power Clean
The Box Step-Up
The AbMat Sit-Up
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15-12-9 reps for load of:
Clean and jerk
Touch and go at the floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use the same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
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Compare to 220821.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Most athletes should perform this benchmark workout as written. All athletes should focus on maintaining mechanics and consistency while increasing the loading. Warm up by adding weight slowly, ensuring you can maintain great technique prior to adding additional load. For the set of 15 reps, find a weight you feel confident performing for 10 reps. In the set of 15, reps 1-7 should be no problem, reps 8-12 will take some focus and challenge your barbell stamina, and reps 13-15 should challenge your mental fortitude and barbell technique as you get tired.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the safety and integrity of the movement.
To reduce the complexity of the movement, reduce the loading and perform a hang clean and push press. Newer athletes should ignore the touch-and-go requirement and instead take a few seconds to establish a sound setup position.
In case of injury or limitation, use a dumbbell or pair of dumbbells. Use a hang power clean instead of a pull from the floor. If there is an overhead limitation, perform the clean only.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
12-9-6 reps for load of:
Clean and jerk
Coaching cues:
Think of the clean and jerk as two jumps. The first jump gets the barbell to the shoulders and the second jump gets the barbell overhead.
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Clean and Split Jerk
Workout Tips for Gwen From 220821
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8 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 burpee box jump-overs
10-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
♀ 20-inch box and 50-lb dumbbell
♂ 24-inch box and 75-lb dumbbell
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Staff Sgt.Taylor Hoover, 31, of the United States Marine Corps., died Aug. 26, 2021, by a suicide bomber who detonated explosives at Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hoover joined the Marines in September 2010 and was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton. He was deployed five times in his career and presented with many awards and honors. Hoover is survived by his mother, Kelly Barnett; father, Darin Hoover; sisters Tori Manning and Allison Summers, and their families; and his grandparents, nieces and nephews.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today, we’re doing a Hero workout. Hero workouts are meant to be longer, challenging efforts. This workout is no exception. Expect this to take at least 30 minutes. Choose options that allow you to keep moving at a steady pace. Aim to spend no more than 5 minutes completing a single round.
To adjust the volume, consider reducing the total number of rounds. Reduce the loading of the dumbbell, the height of the box, and the distance of the run.
To reduce the complexity of the burpee box jump-over, consider a burpee box step-over or an up-down step-over. For the dumbbell snatch, consider a hang dumbbell snatch with a lighter load.
In case of injury or limitation, complete 900/1,250 meters on an Echo bike or 400/500 meters on the rower. For the burpee box jump-overs, consider an up-down with a lower step-up. For the bike, use any machine available to accumulate the calories. If there is an overhead limitation, consider performing a kettlebell swing to eye level or a single-arm dumbbell clean.
Intermediate option:
6 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 burpee box jump-overs
10-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
♀ 20-inch box and 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 24-inch box and 50-lb dumbbell
Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
200-meter run
10 burpee box step-overs
7-calorie bike
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
♀ 12-inch box and 10-lb dumbbell
♂ 20-inch box and 15-lb dumbbell
Coaching cues:
On the dumbbell snatch, focus on keeping the snatching arm long through the middle of the pull next to your body as you accelerate. As you extend the hips, pull the elbow high and outside. Then turn your hand and punch the dumbbell overhead as you pull your body underneath the object.
From the Archives: Running Technique
Burpee Box Jump-Over
The Rogue Echo Bike
The Dumbbell Power Snatch
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
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For time:
30 ring muscle-ups
Compare to 230109.
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a classic benchmark. If you have completed this workout before, check your last time and use that information to help you attack today’s effort. In most cases, this workout should take 10 minutes or less. However, if you have been practicing and accumulating pulling and pressing volume, today can be a good day to work until you complete the reps — don’t worry about the clock. You can build confidence and establish a time for this benchmark.
Reduce the total number of reps or perform the intermediate option.
To adjust the complexity of the movement, consider a jumping ring muscle-up, a banded ring muscle-up, pull-ups or chest-to-bar pull-ups + dips, or low-ring transitions.
In case of injury or limitation, perform low-ring transitions or a single-arm dumbbell hang clean and shoulder press.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
Ring muscle-ups
- Your workout is over if you complete 30 reps before the 10-minute mark.
Beginner option:
For time:
30 low-ring muscle-up transitions
Coaching cues:
To link ring muscle-ups together, at the top of the rep, let the shoulders fall back behind the rings while the arms push the body away from the rings. The feet should be directly below the body, if not slightly in front, as you are pushing away. This technique will send you right into the next swing.
The Kipping Muscle-Up
Jumping Ring Muscle-Up
Toe-Assisted Ring Muscle Up
Kipping Floor Muscle-Up
Low-Ring Muscle-Up Tips
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For time:
1,600-meter run
300-foot handstand walk
24 power snatches
♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lb
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration chipper. All athletes should aim to complete this effort in 20 minutes or less. The loading of the barbell is meant to be moderately heavy. This means for most, singles will be the most effective way to get through the reps. This load should also allow you to complete at least 4 reps per minute. For the handstand walk, choose an option that allows you to keep moving and advancing. Work hard and have fun with this one.
Reduce the distance of the run and handstand walk. Reduce the load of the barbell. If you are new to handstand walking, scale the distance or spend no more than 5 minutes working to accumulate as much distance as possible.
To reduce the complexity of the handstand walk, perform shoulder taps in the pike position or perform a bear crawl. For the power snatches, perform these from the hang position or use a dumbbell.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a 3,500/5,000-meter Echo bike or 1,600/2,000-meter row in place of the run. For the handstand walk, work to accumulate a 2-minute plank hold. For the power snatches, perform a single-arm dumbbell snatch or a clean if there is an overhead limitation.
Intermediate option:
For time:
1,600-meter run
150-foot handstand walk
24 power snatches
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
800-meter run
150-foot bear crawl
24 power snatches
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
As you walk on your hands, think about pressing your hands down into the floor with each "step.” Actively pushing down, as if trying to squish the ground underneath your palms, helps keep your arms straight and shoulders stable to keep you on your hands for longer distances.
Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie: Part 1
The Handstand Walk
The Power Snatch
The Bear Crawl
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2 rounds for time of:
50 alternating dumbbell snatches
50 wall-ball shots
♀ 35-lb dumbbell and 14-lb medicine ball to 9-foot target
♂ 50-lb dumbbell and 20-lb medicine ball to 10-foot target
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Compare to 231226.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a short-to-moderate duration effort. The challenge is hanging on when you really want to rest. Aim to complete this effort in 15 minutes or less. Some advanced athletes may be able to go sub 10 minutes. Use a load for both movements that allows you to maintain large sets.
Reduce the overall volume by completing 20-30 reps for each movement. Reduce the loading of the dumbbell and medicine ball to maintain sets of 15 or more reps for intermediate athletes and 10 or more reps for beginners.
Reduce the complexity of the dumbbell snatch by performing a hang dumbbell snatch. As for the wall-ball shots, reduce the height of the target.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a single-arm dumbbell snatch on the unaffected arm. If there is an overhead limitation, perform a dumbbell clean or sumo deadlift high pull. For the wall-ball shots, perform a med-ball front squat if there is an overhead limitation or a med-ball push press if there is a squatting limitation.
Intermediate option:
2 rounds for time of:
50 alternating dumbbell snatches
50 wall-ball shots
♀ 25-lb dumbbell and 10-lb medicine ball to 9-foot target
♂ 35-lb dumbbell and 14-lb medicine ball to 10-foot target
Beginner option:
2 rounds for time of:
30 alternating dumbbell snatches
30 wall-ball shots
♀ 10-lb dumbbell and 6-lb medicine ball to 9-foot target
♂ 15-lb dumbbell and 10-lb medicine ball to 10-foot target
Coaching cues:
To maintain a better back position in the dumbbell snatch, focus on bracing your abdominals and maintaining an active shoulder as you return the dumbbell to the ground to begin the next repetition.
The Dumbbell Snatch
The Wall-Ball Shot
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7 sets for load of:
1 deadlift
1 hang power clean
1 power clean
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Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a heavy day. Heavy is relative to each athlete. The three movements in the complex are meant to be completed unbroken and in a touch-and-go fashion. Increase the weight across each set as long as technique and safety are maintained. Rest as needed between sets.
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the safety and integrity of the lifts.
Use dumbbells to decrease the complexity of the movements.
In case of injury or limitation, perform the complex with a single dumbbell. The movements can also be broken down into bodyweight counterparts: hip extensions for deadlifts, ring rows or pull-ups for the hang power cleans, and a box jump for the power clean.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
7 sets for load of:
2 deadlifts
2 hang power cleans
2 power cleans
Coaching cues:
Actively pull the barbell into your body throughout this complex. Allowing space between you and the barbell will result in inefficient movement and, often, a missed lift.
The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Power Clean
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On a 2-minute clock for 5 rounds, complete:
100-foot farmers carry
30 anchored sit-ups
Max dumbbell squat cleans in the remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbells
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In today’s workout, you need to push the pace in order to start working on your score. Set up a farmers carry route that is 50 feet out and 50 feet back. As soon as you get back, put your dumbbells down, put your toes under the dumbbell handles, and begin your sit-ups. The goal is to have at least 30 seconds to perform squat cleans. So, reduce the distance of the carry and reps of the sit-ups as needed. As for the loading of the dumbbells, you should be able to hang on for the entire farmers carry and perform at least 7 squat cleans before needing a quick break. If in doubt today, go lighter and do more reps.
Intermediate option:
On a 2-minute clock for 5 rounds, complete:
100-foot farmers carry
30 anchored sit-ups
Max dumbbell squat cleans in the remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells
Beginner option:
On a 2-minute clock for 5 rounds, complete:
50-foot farmers carry
15 anchored sit-ups
Max dumbbell hang squat cleans in the remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀ 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 15-lb dumbbells
Coaching cues:
Play around with your foot position on the squat cleans. Consider keeping your feet in your squat stance and touching the dumbbell on the ground in between your feet. This “sumo deadlift” to squat clean technique can speed up your reps.
The Dumbbell Farmers Carry
The Anchored Sit-Up
The Dumbbell Hang (Squat) Clean
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3 rounds for time of:
10 hang power cleans
1-minute hang from the pull-up bar
10 push jerks
1-minute handstand hold
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb
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Today’s workout is a combination of lifting and static holds. You will also notice the pull-up bar hang is after the hang power cleans (pulling and grip intensive). Then the handstand hold is after the push jerks (pressing intensive). Because of this design, a moderately loaded barbell will begin to feel significantly heavier and the holds will test your stamina with the related movement functions. Complete the handstand holds against a wall. Scale the loading and duration of the holds so a single round takes no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 hang power cleans
1-minute hang from the pull-up bar
10 push jerks
1-minute handstand hold
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 hang power cleans
30-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 push jerks
30-second plank hold
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
During the handstand hold, resist gravity by pressing your body away from the floor. As you press into the floor, squeeze your glutes, tuck your ribs down toward your hips, and bring your ears in line with your biceps with your chin neutral.
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Jerk
The Handstand Hold
Handstand Hold Progression
The Plank Hold
Plank Variations
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10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
1 ½-bodyweight deadlifts
Bodyweight bench presses
¾-bodyweight squat cleans
Compare to 221030.
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Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark. Its nickname is “the three bars of death.” The earlier rounds of this workout are a bit of a grind. Go unbroken where you can and manage your reps when you need to catch your breath. For example, singles on the squat cleans are a great way to manage your heart rate and prepare yourself for the next round. This effort contains a high volume of weightlifting at a moderate load. Reduce the loads and/or eliminate some of the early rounds to decrease the total volume. If you are able, use a spotter when performing the bench presses. This is purely a safety consideration. If you are unable to find a spotter, do not push to failure and break before you think you need to.
Intermediate option:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
1 ¼-bodyweight deadlifts
¾-bodyweight bench presses
½-bodyweight cleans
Beginner option:
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
¾-bodyweight deadlifts
½-bodyweight bench presses
⅓-bodyweight cleans
Coaching cues:
In the bench press, be sure to set yourself up so your feet can have full contact with the floor. This will allow you to drive through your heels and use your lower half.
The Deadlift
The Bench Press
The Clean
From the Archives: Chris Spealler Does Linda
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Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 kettlebell snatches, right arm
4 kettlebell snatches, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 35-lb kettlebell and 14-lb medicine ball
♂ 53-lb kettlebell and 20-lb medicine ball
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In today’s workout, there is no reason to stop. You will be moving constantly for 8 minutes. The loading of both the kettlebell and the medicine ball should allow you to perform unbroken reps throughout the entire workout. Come out fast and hang on. Remember, even though you are trying to move quickly, don’t cut the range of motion short on either movement. If you feel like you are out of control, slow down and dial in your technique before trying to speed back up.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 kettlebell snatches, right arm
4 kettlebell snatches, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 26-lb kettlebell and 14-lb medicine ball
♂ 44-lb kettlebell and 20-lb medicine ball
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 single-arm kettlebell swings, right arm
4 single-arm kettlebell swings, left arm
12 medicine-ball cleans
♀ 18-lb kettlebell and 6-lb medicine ball
♂ 35-lb kettlebell and 10-lb medicine ball
Coaching cues:
As you transition the kettlebell from a swing to the overhead position, loosen up your grip, punch the hand to the sky, and the thumb should finish pointing behind you. This transition is quick and the kettlebell should swing into position against the back of your forearm.
The Kettlebell Snatch
The Medicine-Ball Clean
Single-Arm Kettlebell Swing
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For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike
♀ 105 lb
♂ 165 lb
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Today’s workout is a sprint effort. No pacing. Most know what they are capable of if they “game” the bike. However, it becomes a different story and maybe a little more scary when you dance with the unknown. The loading of the barbell should be moderate and allow you to complete the weightlifting portion of this workout with quick sets and minimal rest. Adjust load to spend no more than 4 minutes on the 20 clean and jerks, allowing for a rep at least every 12 seconds.
Intermediate option:
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
20-calorie Echo bike
20 clean and jerks
20-calorie Echo bike
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
Think of the clean and jerk as two jumps. The first jump gets the barbell to the shoulders and the second jump gets the barbell from the shoulders to the overhead position.
Rogue Echo Bike
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Clean and Push Jerk
The Power Clean and Split Jerk
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For time:
9 deadlifts
15 front squats
21 clean and jerks
♀ 225-lb deadlift, 155-lb front squat, 95-lb clean and jerk
♂ 315-lb deadlift, 225-lb front squat, 135-lb clean and jerk
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Today’s workout is a play on Wednesday’s with a reverse rep scheme, but still a heavy sprint effort. Expect today’s workout to be slightly longer in terms of time domain, but the goal is to keep the barbell moving. Both the deadlifts and the front squats should feel pretty heavy while the clean and jerks may be more on the moderate side. When choosing loads for the workout, the deadlift should be unbroken, the front squats in 3 sets or less, and the clean and jerks should be performed in 4 minutes or less. Just like Wednesday, challenge yourself on this workout, but don’t make the weights so heavy that form is compromised.
Intermediate option:
For time:
9 deadlift
15 front squats
21 clean and jerks
♀ 155-lb deadlift, 105-lb front squat, 75-lb clean and jerk
♂ 225-lb deadlift, 155-lb front squat, 115-lb clean and jerk
Beginner option:
For time:
9 deadlift
15 front squats
21 clean and jerks
♀ 65-lb deadlift, 55-lb front squat, 35-lb clean and jerk
♂ 95-lb deadlift, 75-lb front squat, 45-lb clean and jerk
Coaching cues:
Consider “fast” singles on the clean and jerks in today’s workout. In doing so, follow the barbell down to the ground, minimize the bounce of the bar, take a breath, and hit your next rep.
The Deadlift
The Front Squat
The Clean and Jerk?utm_source=owned&utm_medium=internal&utm_campaign=mswod
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Pit Stop
For time:
21 deadlifts
15 hang power cleans
9 front squats
♀ 225-lb deadlift, 155-lb hang power clean, 95-lb front squat
♂ 315-lb deadlift, 225-lb hang power clean, 135-lb front squat
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Today’s workout is a heavy sprint effort. The barbell gets lighter and reps decrease with each movement you complete. Both the deadlifts and the hang power cleans should feel moderately heavy while the front squats may be more on the moderate side. When choosing loads for the workout, the deadlift should be completed in 3 sets or less, the hang power cleans in 5 sets or less, and the front squats should be unbroken. Challenge yourself on this workout, but don’t make the weights so heavy that form is compromised.
Intermediate option:
For time:
21 deadlifts
15 hang power cleans
9 front squats
♀ 155-lb deadlift, 105-lb hang power clean, 75-lb front squat
♂ 225-lb deadlift, 155-lb hang power clean, 115-lb front squat
Beginner option:
For time:
21 deadlifts
15 hang power cleans
9 front squats
♀ 65-lb deadlift, 55-lb hang power clean, 35-lb front squat
♂ 95-lb deadlift, 75-lb hang power clean, 45-lb front squat
Coaching cues:
In the hang power clean, focus on setting up with your shoulders over the barbell. Then, stand up by driving your heels into the ground, squeezing your thighs and glutes, and getting your shoulders behind the barbell. To finish getting under the barbell, drive your elbows through quickly, pull yourself into a partial squat, and receive the bar on the shoulders.
The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
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Rest Day
Featured Article
The Clean: Why CrossFit Athletes Do Olympic Lifts
The July 2003 CrossFit Journal article “The Clean” highlights the clean as the "King of All Exercises," emphasizing its comprehensive fitness benefits and accessibility compared to the snatch. The clean enhances all 10 general physical skills — cardiovascular endurance, strength, power, flexibility, speed, coordination, agility, stamina, balance, and accuracy — while improving general athleticism through powerful hip extension and the coordination of complex movements. It is also a gateway to the clean and jerk, making it highly effective for lifting heavy loads. Mastering the clean with proper technique ensures athletes reap these benefits, optimizing performance in sports and functional tasks.
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For time:
100 double-unders
50 GHD sit-ups
25 power cleans
50 GHD sit-ups
100 double-unders
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb
Today’s workout is a pyramid-style workout with a moderately loaded barbell sandwiched between a few bodyweight movements. The management of the power cleans in this workout should be much different from yesterday's squat snatch workout. Today, the loading should allow you to perform a combination of touch-and-go reps and fast singles. Push to finish the power cleans in 3 minutes or less. As for the GHD sit-ups, if you are not regularly performing this movement, you should scale the reps and range of motion.
Intermediate option:
For time:
50 double-unders
30 GHD sit-ups to parallel
25 power cleans
30 GHD sit-ups to parallel
50 double-unders
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
50 single-unders
25 sit-ups
15 power cleans
25 sit-ups
50 single-unders
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
Relax the quads when you are seated on the GHD. The knees should be bent as you lay back, then squeeze the quads, drive the heels down, and reach for the foot pads to complete the sit-up. This happens on every rep.
The Double-Under
The GHD Sit-Up
The Power Clean
Training the GHD Sit-Up
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7 rounds for time of:
7 hang cleans
7 front squats
7 shoulder-to-overheads
7 bar-facing burpees
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
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This is going to be a grind! The goal is to try to complete each set of barbell reps unbroken. Use the burpees as a place to breathe. We suggest stepping back and up, not rushing them so you can hang on to the barbell as soon as you get back there. Hold back slightly on Rounds 1-4 so you have enough in the tank to go hard on the last 3 rounds. A good goal is to keep each round under 1:15-1:40. Elite athletes may be able to keep rounds to under a minute.
Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
7 hang cleans
7 front squats
7 shoulder-to-overheads
7 bar-facing burpees
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
Beginner option:
7 rounds for time of:
5 hang cleans
5 front squats
5 shoulder-to-overheads
5 bar-facing burpees
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Coaching cues:
The barbell wants to rest on the shoulders in the rack position in both the front squat and the shoulder-to-overhead. Keep the elbows up to create this shelf and a better opportunity to maintain unbroken reps.
The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
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In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lb
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Today’s workout is a twist on the Hero workout DT. The goal is to get through your round of DT in 1:10 or less. Once you get to the bike, go hard knowing you have a minute of rest. Your score is total bike calories over all 5 rounds. Choose a barbell weight you can do all 6 shoulder-to-overheads unbroken in all rounds. If you choose to break up the deadlifts and cleans, we recommend 6-5-1 for the deadlifts so you can go right into the hang power cleans after the last single. For the hang power cleans, we would recommend 7 and 2 so you can go right into the shoulder-to-overheads after the final hang clean rep.
Intermediate option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Beginner option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
9 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining time
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Coaching cues:
If you lose the hook grip in the hang power cleans, try elevating the barbell off your shoulders before you return to the hang position. Treat this little elevation almost like a push press. Once the barbell is off your shoulders, reestablish the hook grip and move into the next rep.
The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
Annie Sakamoto vs. the Echo Bike
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For time:
50 double-unders
40 wall-ball shots
30 box jump-overs
20 ground-to-overheads
10 burpee pull-ups
20 ground-to-overheads
30 box jump-overs
40 wall-ball shots
50 double-unders
♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box, and 95-lb barbell
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch box, and 135-lb barbell
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Today’s workout is a pyramid-style chipper. Pace yourself on the way up with smooth double-unders, focused on breathing and relaxing your shoulders. Go for 3 to 4 sets on the wall-ball shots — a good game plan could be 12-10-10-8 or 16-14-10. On the box jump-overs, stepping down off the box is a great way to moderate your heart rate to get you ready for the ground-to-overheads. The ground-to-overhead weight should be touch-and-go for at least 6 to 8 reps, though singles are OK for today. For this movement, you can choose how you get it from the ground to over your head — snatch or clean and jerk. On the burpee pull-ups, step in and out to keep moving, rather than doing a few fast reps, followed by a break. Be mentally prepared to get right back into the ground-to-overheads. The goal is sub-20 minutes for most and sub-17 minutes for the elite.
Intermediate option:
For time:
50 double-unders
40 wall-ball shots
30 box jump-overs
20 ground-to-overheads
10 burpee pull-ups
20 ground-to-overheads
30 box jump-overs
40 wall-ball shots
50 double-unders
♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box, and 65-lb barbell
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch box, and 95-lb barbell
Beginner option:
For time:
60 single-unders
30 wall-ball shots
20 box step-overs
10 ground-to-overheads
5 burpee pull-ups
10 ground-to-overheads
20 box step-overs
30 wall-ball shots
60 single-unders
♀ 10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box, and 55-lb barbell
♂ 14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch box, and 75-lb barbell
Coaching cues:
In the burpee pull-up, draw a line on the ground directly underneath the pull-up bar. For every rep, aim to get your feet on that line before jumping up to the pull-up bar. As you get good at this, you can begin jumping without looking for the bar because you know exactly where it’s going to be. Simply jump, grab, and pull.
The Double-Under
The Wall-Ball Shot
CAP Demo | The Lateral Box Jump-Over
The Power Snatch
The Clean and Jerk
The Burpee Pull-Up With Greg Amundson
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Meet Guest Programmers - Kristi and Patrick O’Connell: Sept 16-29, 2024.
20 rounds for time of:
2 power cleans
3 box jumps
4 chest-to-bar pull-ups
♀ 125 lb and 20-inch box
♂ 185 lb and 24-inch box
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Today’s workout is a short rep scheme, but a high volume of rounds. Even though the sets are small, it is still a fairly high volume of each movement: 40 power cleans, 60 box jumps, and 80 chest-to-bar pull-ups.
Focus on smooth (not fast) movement and quick transitions. Check the clock after your first round — the goal is to set one pace you can keep consistent over all 20 rounds. This is a great mental and physical test! We suggest all singles on the cleans, and to step down off the box to help manage your heart rate. Aim to keep rounds under 1:10 or less. The elite will be able to keep rounds under 50 seconds.
Intermediate option:
20 rounds for time of:
2 power cleans
3 box jumps
4 pull-ups
♀ 95 lb and 20-inch box
♂ 135 lb and 24-inch box
Beginner option:
12 rounds for time of:
2 power cleans
3 box step-ups
4 ring rows
♀ 65 lb and 12-inch box
♂ 95 lb and 20-inch box
Coaching cues:
Widen your grip slightly on the chest-to-bar pull-ups and try to extend your upper body toward the bar. This will reduce the range of motion a little and make it easier for you to get your chest to the bar.
The Power Clean
The Box Jump
The Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
The Box Step-Up
The Ring Row
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Rest Day
Featured Article:
Coaching the Low Catch
When doing Olympic lifts, it's essential to master both components: lifting the bar and dropping under it. Many CrossFit athletes struggle with the latter, often defaulting to lifting the bar higher rather than combining both actions. Learn a series of progressive exercises focused on the snatch and clean to help you develop the necessary skills to pull and drop under the bar effectively. These exercises include the snatch-grip squat press, overhead squat, and snatch balance, among others. Proper technique, mental preparation, and the guidance of a knowledgeable coach are critical as you learn and perform these lifts.
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For time:
25 hang power cleans
50 front squats
25 hang power cleans
♀ 115 lb
♂ 165 lb
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Today’s workout is a pyramid-style chipper with a moderately heavy load. Aim to complete the cleans in at least sets of 5 reps and expect the front squats to be a grind. In both movements, hang on for one more rep than you think you can. Focus on keeping the elbows high during the front squats and leading with the elbows out of the bottom of each rep.
Intermediate option:
For time:
25 hang power cleans
50 front squats
25 hang power cleans
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
15 hang power cleans
30 front squats
15 hang power cleans
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
Going Deep in the Squat
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Complete 1 complex every 3 minutes for a total of 7 sets for max load:
1 power clean
1 hang squat clean
1 shoulder-to-overhead
-Add load as technique allows.
Today’s workout is a lifting complex. Once you perform the power clean, the barbell should not return to the ground until you complete the shoulder-to-overhead or if you fail a rep. The goal is to build up to your heaviest weight in the complex. After completing the complex, you should have around 2:30 of rest. Take this rest time to recover and prepare for the next lift. During this time, you can also add weight, subtract weight, or keep it the same.
All athletes should not let their intensity overshadow the importance of lifting with proper technique. If your technique is good, then add load. If you feel yourself getting sloppy, reduce the loading or try to improve your technique at the same load.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Complete 1 complex every 3 minutes for a total of 7 sets:
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead
-Add load as technique allows.
Coaching cues:
Do you catch yourself jumping forward during your cleans? It could be due to an early arm pull. Think about shrugging the bar up to your shoulders and only bending your elbow at the very last moment to pull your body under the bar.
The Power Clean
The Hang Squat Clean
The Hang Power Clean
The Front Squat
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
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2012 Chipper
For time:
10 overhead squats
10 box jump-overs
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 toes-to-bars
10 burpee muscle-ups
10 toes-to-bars
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box jump-overs
10 overhead squats
♀ 105-lb overhead squat, 20-inch box, 95-lb thruster, 125-lb clean
♂ 155-lb overhead squat, 24-inch box, 135-lb thruster, 205-lb clean
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This event was a premiere for the down-and-back-style chipper at the 2012 CrossFit Games and included several unique features, such as the fat bar for thrusters and the requirement to complete a burpee between muscle-up reps. Rich Froning Jr. handily completed the event in 7:06, while Julie Foucher put up the fastest women's time of 7:43.
For most, this is a moderate-duration pyramid-style chipper. Adjust the loading for each barbell to allow you to finish the 10 reps in 2 sets or less. As for the burpee muscle-ups, choose a variation that allows you to complete all 10 reps in 3 minutes or less (e.g., lower the rings so you can perform a jumping muscle-up, burpee chest-to-ring pull-up, burpee chin-over-ring pull-up, or burpee ring row).
Intermediate option:
For time:
10 overhead squats
10 box jump-overs
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 toes-to-bars
10 burpee chest-to-ring pull-ups
10 toes-to-bars
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box jump-overs
10 overhead squats
♀ 75-lb overhead squat, 20-inch box, 65-lb thruster, 95-lb clean
♂ 115-lb overhead squat, 24-inch box, 95-lb thruster, 135-lb clean
Beginner option:
For time:
10 overhead squats
10 box step-overs
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
10 hanging knee raises
10 burpee ring rows
10 hanging knee raises
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box step-overs
10 overhead squats
♀ 35-lb overhead squat, 12-inch box, 35-lb thruster, 35-lb clean
♂ 45-lb overhead squat, 20-inch box,45-lb thruster, 45-lb clean
Coaching cues:
To maximize efficiency in the box jump-over, think about jumping high, landing softly on the box, turning around, and stepping down backward before jumping immediately up into the next rep.
The Overhead Squat
CAP Demo | Box Jump-Over Variations
The Thruster
The Power Clean
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The Kipping Muscle-Up
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Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug. 4, 2024
Complete as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
5 squat clean and jerks
Max-rep feet-elevated ring rows
Rest 1 minute between sets. Repeat for a total of 5 sets.
Use 70% of your best squat clean and jerk.
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Five squat clean and jerks at 70% should feel heavy but manageable. Heavy lifters may need to reduce this to 65-67%. Focus on good-quality positions when you pull off the floor and when you descend into your dip. Today, the first pull and the dip are important for consistent reps. Some of you may be able to do these 5 reps in 30-40 seconds, but for the sake of today, focus on making all 5 reps identical. If that takes a full minute, that’s OK. This is crucial because we are fatiguing the upper back and core with the feet-elevated ring rows. This is why our goal today is technical endurance. We can’t use a weight that deteriorates under fatigue, so if you tend to perform less technically sound when tired, reduce the load on the barbell and control the work/rest on the ring rows.
When we look at our favorite CrossFit athletes who seem to lift perfectly even when tired, it’s because they perform sessions like these, where the goal is qualitative and not quantitative.
GOALS: Power and technical endurance
ADVANCED AND BEGINNER ATHLETE TARGET: Quality reps on the clean and jerk, sets of 5 on ring rows
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
5 squat clean and jerks
Max-rep ring rows
Rest 1 minute between sets. Repeat for a total of 5 sets.
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
Technical endurance is an athlete’s ability to maintain a high degree of proficiency in a given movement(s) throughout a workout. This could mean moving along straighter lines, minimizing errant movement, and/or capitalizing on the concept of core-to-extremity movement patterns. Maintaining the ideal technique for a single rep is one thing, but doing so for an entire workout requires time and practice. Anyone can move fast, but to move quickly with a high degree of proficiency is an art form.
The Clean and Jerk
The Ring Row
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Guest Programmer - HWPO
July 22-Aug 4, 2024
On a continuously running clock:
On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Front squats
On the 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang power cleans
On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpees
10 thrusters
♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lb
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There is a method to this madness. We have three consecutive couplets on a running clock. Each couplet should be completed in under 8 minutes in order to have enough recovery to continue on with good intensity. To be able to do this, you should pull back slightly on the first couplet and make sure you are not at max effort. Having a light weight and scaling the gymnastics to movements you are 100% comfortable with is important to hit the stimulus goal. That said, because you may scale to make the movements feel “easy,” you may fall into the trap of going too hard too soon.
This is threshold training — we need to work at or close to the threshold for three “intervals.” The first couplet has 110 total reps, the second has 90 total reps, and the last has 60 total reps. The degree of difficulty of the gymnastics movement lessens, but the range of motion increases. The most important factor is you, managing your effort. Speed has a cost and we need to save up to make sure we’ve got enough left over to buy out of today’s training!
GOAL: Threshold training
ADVANCED & BEGINNER: 6- to 7:30-minute time domain
Intermediate option:
On a continuously running clock:
On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Jumping pull ups
Front squats
On the 10:00
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hanging knee raises to chest
Hang power cleans
On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpees
10 thrusters
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Beginner option:
On a continuously running clock:
On the 0:00
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps for time of:
Ring rows
Front squats
On the 10:00
15-12-9 reps for time of:
AbMat sit-ups
Hang power cleans
On the 20:00
3 rounds for time of:
10 bar-facing burpee step-overs
10 thrusters
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
Coaching cues:
If you’re finding it hard to keep an upright torso in the front squat, imagine there’s a rope attached to your elbows that is pulling up throughout the entire movement. Keep those elbows up and notice how your torso follows suit, helping you to maintain a neutral spine and sound squat mechanics.
The Kipping Pull-Up
Jumping Pull-Up Demo
The Ring Row
The Front Squat
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Hang Power Clean
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Thruster
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