workout of the day

Thursday 010322


Jump Rope 300 jumps
Sit-up 30
Back extension 20
Walking Lunge 30 steps
Push-ups 30
Pull-ups 15

Bike 1.5 miles
Ab bench 25% BW X 25
Stiff Legged Deadlift 50% BW X 21
Deadlift 75% BW X 15
Bench-press 75% BW X 12
Upright Row 50% BW X 10

Row 1000 meters
Hollow Rock 1 min
Arch Rock 1 min
Back Squat 75% BW X 15
Push-press 50% BW X 12
Power Clean 50% BW X 10

Calculate loads (BW = body weight) before beginning.
Time entire workout. Shortest time "takes it."

"A True Warrior Never Fights Without a Purpose That is Greater Than Oneself."T. Harv Eker

Here's a great athlete celebrating one of the greatest coaches of all time while sharing
some valuable insights into coaching.