workout of the day

Friday 010323


Today is trunk work and a run.

30 sit-ups and 21 back extensions
Run 1 mile for time

No rest between sets for the following:
50 sit-ups
21 back extensions
Hang from bar and slowly raise legs, curl and touch toes to bar 25 times.
Arch rock 1 minute
25 crunches on glute-ham back extension apparatus (upside down on back extension app.)
Stiff-legged deadlift 50 % BW for 25 reps


"Wisdom is better than strength. And a wise man is better than a strong man."
Book of Wisdom 6:1

Our crew spends a good deal of time on the Concept II Rowing Ergometer.
Here is Dr. Seiler examining gender and weight differences, and water performance
as related to the Concept II performance.