workout of the day

Wednesday 030521


Complete 5 rounds:

Run 400 meters
Clean 15 reps
20 Push-ups

Pick load for cleans and keep if for all five rounds.

Divide clean weight by number of seconds to completion for total score.

Post score in comments.

Workout Image for 20030521

The Tabata interval shown to maximally stress both anaerobic and aerobic systems is comprised of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times. Dr. Tabata’s research originally applied this interval to the stationary bike and CrossFit’s original contribution was to apply this interval to the squat, but Brad Hirakawa, one of CrossFit’s toughest, made practical use of this interval with Tabata lawn mowing!

Make a practice of experimenting with various intervals and applying them to a wide variety of functional movements. There’s fertile opportunity for discovering dramatically effective protocols.