workout of the day

Monday 030519


Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.
Tabata Squats – “bottom to bottom”
Shoulder press 65 pounds 90 seconds for reps.

“Bottom to bottom” squats start at the bottom and end at the bottom with but an instantaneous stop at the top. Rest is at the bottom!

Shoulder press as many of the reps as possible and then push-press the remaining. Return the score as S/P, “S” being the number of reps shoulder pressed and “P” being the number of reps push-pressed.

Workout Image for 20030519

We regularly purchased gym mats from Bigger Faster Stronger in Salt Lake City, Utah, one of our favorite vendors. Then a visitor to our facility pointed out that our mats were “horse stall” mats, available from most any general feed store. Sure enough, our local feed store had the identical mat for considerably less and delivers for $25 regardless of load saving on mats, shipping, and the waiting for freight delivery. The savings in matting a 1,500 square foot facility is well in excess of a thousand dollars.