workout of the day

Monday 010326


Ab-bench (or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion) 30 reps at max weight
Back extension 25 reps
Air Squat 50 reps

For the next phase we are doing pull-ups and dips or muscle-ups if you've got one!

Six sets of pull-ups (max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)
Six sets of dips (max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets.
OR, if you have a muscle-up,
Ten muscle-ups (max effort, take as much time as needed, record the time to complete all ten)

One rope climb with no legs or five with legs.
Twenty handstand push-ups by any means. Have spotter pull you up by ankles if needed.

Practice lowering from handstand to planche (body parallel to floor, arms locked) Have spotter
support your ankles and lower you to parallel. Hold at parallel, with spotter minimally helping,
for five full seconds.

Repeat for ten attempts. Do on padded mat, crash pad, or other padded surface!!
Ab-bench (or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion) 30 reps at max weight
Back extension 25 reps
Air Squat 50 reps

This is a really tough day. Don't hold back. Tomorrow is met-con only, so you will be able to rest
your arms, back, and shoulders. You are getting a small taste of the demands of a gymnast's workout.