workout of the day

Saturday 100213


1 rep-max Snatch

Ten minute time limit, not including warm up.

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Top men's scores from the 2009 CrossFit Games:
Jeff Leonard (240lbs), Jason Khalipa, Spencer Hendel and DJ Wickham (225lbs).

Top women's scores:
Tamara Holmes (145lbs), Tanya Wagner (135lbs), Kristan Clever (130lbs).

"An Intro to the new Coaches Prep Course" a CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

"One-arm Isabel" with John Warnek from CrossFit King of Prussia - video [wmv] [mov]

"Whenever there is a simple error that most laymen fall for, there is always a slightly more sophisticated version of the same problem that experts fall for."
- Amos Tverskyy

Workout Image for 20100213

In the muscle-up transition, the elbows move from under the rings to over, while the hands trace a very tight line above the nipple, and never move from close contact with the body.