workout of the day

Monday 030901


Rest Day

Many of our athletes, if not most, are fully involved and committed to a sport. For these athletes the WOD (Workout of the Day) and their sport training and practice consume every bit of energy they may have available for physical activity. These athletes' plates are full.

Other CrossFitters are not committed to any particular sport and have the exciting option of more casual exploration of multiple sports and additional practice of drills and skills designed and selected to improve neurological fitness (balance, agility, accuracy, and balance). Many of these athletes are soldiers, cops, and firefighters and for them fitness is their sport. These individuals include our best athletes.

With precisely these athletes in mind we will be increasingly posting alongside the WOD (Workout of the Day) skill development tips, drills, and skills for the parallettes and rings. Don't be left behind; make some parallettes (and buy some rings!).

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Eva Twardokens' L Sit on homemade parallettes featured in this month's CrossFit Journal.