workout of the day

Wednesday 020123


Row 1 minute at sub 1:30/500 meter pace,
Row 1 minute at 2:00/500 meter pace alternating for ten minutes.
Rest as needed.
45 pound Push press, 30 seconds, max reps.
Rest 2 minutes.
45 pound Push press 60 seconds, match 30 second effort's rep count.
Rest 2 minutes.
45 pound Push press 90 seconds, again match 30 second effor'ts rep count.
Rest 2 minutes.
45 pound Push press120 seconds, again match 30 second effort's reps count.
Rest as needed.
Row 1 minute at sub 1:30/500 meter pace,
Row 1 minute at 2:00/500 meter pace alternating for ten minutes.

"You can learn little from victory. You can learn everything from defeat."
- Christy Mathewson