workout of the day

Friday 011228


65 pound Front squat/ Push Jerk, 3 reps
85 pound Front squat/ Push Jerk, 3 reps
105 pound Front squat/ Push Jerk, 3 reps
125 pound Front squat/ Push Jerk, 3 reps, etc...


  1. Women and children can start with 45 lbs. and add ten each set.
  2. Give yourself one point for each set successfully completed with 3 reps.
  3. End with three more reps at the last weight completed with three reps and
    work your way back down with two more reps (3,5,7,9...) with each reduction
    in weight all the way back to 65 pounds.

"I've never had to cheat. I get 'em with what I got."
- Dave Winfield