workout of the day

Saturday 010804


Clean and Jerk, 21-15-12-9-6-3-1 reps.

1. Add weight to each set. Rest two minutes between sets.
2. Total loads for all 7 sets.
3. No rest on ground during sets. Touch and go at ground.

“When the archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault
within himself. Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the
target. To improve your aim -- improve yourself.”
- Gilbert Arland

Anything you wrap, strap, splint, cast, belt, or otherwise support or
immobilize gets weaker, including your midsection when using a
weightlifting belt. Enter weightlifting belts in any search engine and
look at the preponderance of hits selling belts. There's no market for
recommending the non-use of belts, so you have to look carefully to
see the truth.
As a note, 1 RM lifts in competition justify the use of a belt or any other
supporting apparel or equipment, but not in daily training.