workout of the day

Saturday 010602


Three rounds for time:
Dips, max reps
Walking Lunge, 20 Steps
Push-press, max reps @ 1/3 bodyweight
Walking Lunge, 20 Steps
Handstand Push-ups, max reps
Walking Lunge, 20 Steps

"There is no scientific evidence to suggest that 'periodization' is
superior to intervals of high-intensity strength training, and rest.
Nor is there any evidence to support the absurd principles of
periodization, which claim that different numbers of sets and
repetitions, performed with different percentages of 1RM, with
different rest periods between sets and exercises, will
specifically effect different variables such as muscle size,
strength, power, endurance, or definition. How long the
periodization myth is perpetuated is dependent on the public's
acceptance of nitwittery -- probably, in perpetuity."
Dr. Ralph Carpinelli
Dr. Ralph Carpinelli is at the heart of the H.I.T. vs.
Periodization controversy. Here is Dr. Carpinelli on multiple vs.
single sets:

Anyone interested in exercise program design and prescription
ought to put "high+intensity+training+periodization"
(without the quotation marks) into a good search engine (like Google)
and spend a few hours pouring over the results. Bring your thoughts
to the CrossFit forum. Guaranteed to be thought provoking!!