workout of the day

Tuesday 010306


200 sit-ups no matter how long it takes. Make them nice!
Stretch thoroughly. Used as a rest to slow down pace and come in to the next phase relatively fresh.
Do 50 dips, with or without assistance. This is a 50RM set, i.e., ideally, 51 should be impossible.
Immediately, run for ten minutes on a “windsprint” bike or a stairclimber at max level.
Rest as needed.
Do 35 dips, with or without assistance. This is a 35RM set, i.e., ideally, 36 should be impossible.
Immediately, run for five minutes on a “windsprint” bike or a stairclimber at max level.
Rest as needed.
Do 20 dips, with or without assistance. This is a 20RM set, i.e., ideally, 20 should be impossible.
Immediately, run for five minutes on a “windsprint” bike or a stairclimber at max level.
200 sit-ups no matter how long it takes. Again, make them nice!

Note: Do as many of the dips as you can without assistance on failure jump to Gravitron
(or like) and complete set with minimal assistance. We are exhausting the pushing function
partially with an eye to making the arm supporting contribution on the bike or stairlcimber
very tough

"There will come a point in the race, when you alone will need to decide. You will need to
make a choice. Do you really want it? You will need to decide."
Rolf Arands

We're going back to Dr. Seiler's site today for a look at lactate threshold. For you techies
and coaches this is essential stuff. You may recall that lactate threshold is the second
wave of endurance adaptation. (The first being VO2 max.) At CrossFit we are only
interested in the first two waves of adaptive response. The third comes at great cost to
your overall physical capacity.