workout of the day

Monday 010219


Row 4000 meters @ a 2 min 500 meter pace
Within the next 16 mins hang clean 50% of your body weight 21 times

Row 2000 meters @ a 2 min 500 meter pace
Within the next 8 mins hang clean 50% of your body weight 18 times

Row 1000 meters @ a 2min 500 meter pace
Within the next 4 mins hang clean 50% of your body weight 15 times

Row 500 meters @ a 2 min 500 meter pace
Within the next 2 mins hang clean 50% of your body weight 12 times

There's no rest here other than the time allowed for the hang clean.
Not everyone can make the numbers, do what you can safely, effectively.

Today's link is an article by Dr. Steven Seiler, a noted researcher, and renowned rowing coach.
The article is called "The Time Course of Training Adaptations."
It is recommended that you read and reread the article until you fully understand it.

The physiology that Dr. Seiler details contains the very reason endurance
work must be limited for athletes that don't specifically compete at long distances.