Shoulder Joint Mobility

ByCrossFit December 2, 2022
Found in:Essentials

Elijah Schoepp, a doctor of physical therapy and a coach at CrossFit Up, offers tips on shoulder mobility and prep work for today’s handstand push-up workout.

“You want that stuff to be awake, so that when you get into the workout you’re not overcooking yourself — so it’s not a surprise to your muscles,” Schoepp explains.


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Chris Sinagoga
December 3rd, 2022 at 1:09 am
Commented on: Shoulder Joint Mobility

Crazy to see how Kelly's stuff is so commonplace in physical therapy now. All started with the first of many beatdowns. (Actually, before that, with the 2-minute drill CFJ videos). He'd probably have something to say about none of these being technically "joint" mobilities - although maybe the banded one at the end could count as distraction. Good to see you implementing these Elijah (and good fix on the external rotation at the end). Keep up the good work!

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