

Workout of the Day

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:

10 squat cleans
20 sit-ups

♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb

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This couplet is light and short. Choose a weight for the squat clean that allows you to complete the reps in 1-2 sets each round.

Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 squat cleans
20 sit-ups

♀ 22 lb ♂ 35 lb

The Clean


The clean is a pure bit of functionality. The clean is simply pulling a load from the ground to the shoulders, where frequently the object is being readied for lifting overhead. With the clean, we take ourselves from standing over an object and pulling it to moving under it and supporting it.

Watch The Clean