

Workout of the Day

Can you walk 400 meters carrying 50-lb. dumbbells (♀ 35-lb.)?

A) If not, how far can you go before setting them down?
B) What are the heaviest dumbbells you can carry for 400 meters?

A $1,000 prize will be awarded for the heaviest successful 400-m carry (one for men and one for women). Do it on a track, upload video to YouTube, and post a link to 190505 comments by midnight, Sunday, May 12.

After the carry, practice controlled descents from a handstand for 10 minutes.

Post distance completed for A and load used for B to comments.

Acute high intensity interval exercise reduces colon cancer cell growth


In this February 2019 study, researchers investigated exercise’s known effect on mortality rates for cancer survivors by observing male colon cancer survivors’ blood cytokine levels during a month of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE). Their data suggest exercise temporarily increases levels of blood inflammatory markers, and these increases may suppress tumor growth.

Read MoreAcute high intensity interval exercise reduces colon cancer cell growth