workout of the day

Thursday 060216


Ten rounds for time of:
Row 250 meters
Bench-press 95 pounds, 25 reps

Post time to comments.

Substitute 35 jump-rope double-unders for each 250 meter row if you don't have access to a C2 rower.

Avoidance, fear, and even banning, of the clean and jerk is rooted in confusion and misunderstanding over the essentialness of its application and perfect functionality. [video]

Workout Image for 20060216

Fusing The Pit and CrossFit, legendary fight trainer John Hackleman has given birth to a uniquely effective strategy for MMA fight training called "CrossPit". This fusion has already been adopted, and successfully tested by some of the world's best known MMA/UFC fighters and scores of amateurs. On the weekend of March 25-26 the first CrossPit Seminar will be held at CrossFit Santa Cruz. Grapplers will learn how to avoid being knocked out, and strikers will learn how to avoid the takedown.