workout of the day

Thursday 060209


Rest Day

"Cum Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc" (With this, therefore because of this)

Assuming causation on the basis of correlation is a logical fallacy that marks much of bad science and politics.

Here are a handful of links, some entertaining, some informative on the "Cum Hoc" fallacy:

"Correlation Implies Causation (Logical Fallacy)", Wikipedia
"Correlation or Causation?" Jonathan Mueller
"New Poll Shows Correlation is Causation", Happy Hour Archive
"Correlation and Causation", Peter Federer

Post thoughts to comments.

Workout Image for 20060209

The angle of the torso determines the flight trajectory of the athlete. In the first photo Annie's trajectory will be upward as in a vertical jump or clean. In the second photo she is going to go up and forward as in a box jump. Finally, in the third photo, she'll move forward as she would for a broad jump.