workout of the day

Saturday 030802


Attach an object at precisely 12” above your maximum reach with rope or cord. Within Tabata interval parameters jump and touch the attached object. Score as other Tabata exercises – lowest count in any of eight intervals.

Pull to inverted hang from pull-up bar or rings 50 reps in as few sets as possible (keep arms and legs as straight as you can).

Repeat Tabata jump interval.

Post first Tabata jump scores, number of sets for 50 pulls, and second Tabata Jump score. E.G., 12/3/9 (twelve jumps minimum in first effort/3 sets for 50 pulls/9 jumps minimum in second effort).

Workout Image for 20030802

We are developing a series of high intensity team workouts that are maximally taxing to athletes of widely varying capacities and numbers of participants. Here two teams relay in a run, rope climb, and ring dip race.