workout of the day

Monday 010507


Muscle snatch 15-12-9 reps
with same load and 1 minute between sets.

Five supersets of back extension and sit-ups.
Make each exercise slow and tough.
Add weight to back extension if ready. Go SLOWLY!

Muscle snatch 15-12-9 reps
with same load and 1 minute between sets.

The muscle snatch is a snatch without the dive under the bar.
The idea is to deadlift and as you pass the knees, rapidly explode
the hip and follow through with an explosive pull straight through
to locked out overhead. This snatch is a regular support exercise
from the Olympic lifting repertoire. It places a heavy emphasis on
the upper body compared to the Snatch.

"The secret to a long life is to stay busy, get plenty of exercise and don't
drink too much. Then again, don't drink too little."
- Hermann Smith-Johannson, 103-year-old cross-country skier

You want to learn as much about squatting from as you can. Here is more
squatting advice from a good coach and this time we've got a video clip.
Watch that bar bend!