workout of the day

Wednesday 010418


Warm-up EZ sit-up, back ext., pull-up, push-up, air squat and stretch

21 Rep push-press followed immediately by max set of pull-ups.
Rest as needed; you don't need more than three minutes
Repeat for total of five combined sets.

Run 1 mile.

"Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics;
it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality."
- John W. Gardner, President, Carnegie Foundation

The obstacle course has spectacular training potential yet is still seen primarily
in military and police applications. CrossFitƳ C-cubed program was an attempt
to radically increase the breadth of demand in an obstacle like manner. Here is
a good yet fairly typical obstacle course/program. Notice the quality of the
development the women featured (yes, they run and teach their program) have
acquired. This is a testament to functional exercises and mixed modality training.