workout of the day

Monday 010416


Warm-up with back extension, sit-up, pull-up, push-up, squat, and stretching.
About ten to twelve minutes of near constant movement.

One minute of jump rope (double under if you're able) followed by one minute of rest.
Repeat for a total of five times.

Practice your handstand and handstand push-up.
Try for three sets of handstand push-ups.

One set of back squats at twenty-one reps. Max weight.

Cool-down with back extension, sit-up, push-up, squat, and stretching.
About ten to twelve minutes of near constant movement

"Nothing noble is done without risk."
Andre Gide

Bob Whelan has been a rational voice in the strength-training world for decades.
Here's his website; there's a reasonable mix of entertainment and information here.