workout of the day

Sunday 010304


This is an amazingly complete workout in only twenty-four minutes.

Set-up the rower for intervals of twenty seconds work and ten seconds rest.
Set the rower to display meters in the lower window. Go all out on the first effort.
On subsequent efforts work to capture as many meters as in the first effort.

In the same interval pattern, 20on/10off X 8,
Squat (air squat).
Same interval pull-ups.
Same interval push-ups.
Same interval sit-ups.

If you transition from one exercise to the next in ten seconds, this is a
twenty-minute workout. For all but the best athletes this will be all but impossible.

Transition from one exercise to the next as quickly as you can. One-minute maximum
transition break! No ranking will be considered for total time that exceeds twenty-four minutes.

Ranking is based on least number of meters in each of eight rowing intervals, and least
reps in each of eight intervals for each of the other four exercises.

Submission includes five numbers: least number of meters in rowing, least number of squats,
least number of pull-ups, least number of push-ups, and least number of sit-ups.

"One shouldn't be afraid to lose; this is sport. One day you win; another day you lose.
Of course, everyone wants to be the best. This is normal. This is what sport is about.
This is why I love it."
Olympic Gold Medallist Oksana Baiul

The 20 seconds on / 10 seconds off interval repeated 8 times is the interval first
researched by Dr. Izumi Tabata. The CrossFit crew was early pioneers of this interval
and was first to apply it to the squat. Today we are going to use this interval with five
separate exercises. We will row, squat, pull-up, push-up, and sit-up. This represents
the range of functional movements (met. con, hip extension, pulling, pushing, and trunk/hip flexion).
First review the Tabata interval: