Jandi: Keep at It

ByCrossFitJune 14, 2020

Jandi Pereida always cared about being fit and active, but she eventually found herself prioritizing her career over her health.

At first, she didn’t realize that her lifestyle was affecting every area of her life, from how she felt in her clothes to how much she interacted with others.

“I remember just not wanting to go out as much,” she says. “I remember there was a time in my life where I shied away from the camera.”

Eventually she saw a picture of herself and had an ah-ha moment.

“I was completely unaware of how unhealthy I had become. I just kind of lost track of taking care of myself,” she explains.

She started spending time on the treadmill at a local gym, but she felt unmotivated until she found North Rim CrossFit in Chico, California.

“Doing CrossFit has really helped me a lot,” she says. “There’s accountability. There’s encouragement. There’s a positive environment and community, and there’s a little bit of competitiveness.”

Video by Stephen Diaz.

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Stephen Luther
June 15th, 2020 at 11:21 am
Commented on: Jandi: Keep at It

Congratulations Jandi! Thank you for sharing your success story and all the good that can come from doing CrossFit!

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Austin Begiebing
June 15th, 2020 at 5:40 am
Commented on: Jandi: Keep at It

Way to go Jandi! Thanks for sharing your story.

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