

Workout of the Day


3 rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Then, practice controlled descents from a handstand for 20 minutes.

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Supplements and Diets for Heart Health Show Limited Proof of Benefit


“Millions of Americans use dietary supplements and a variety of diets to protect their heart health. But a large new analysis found that there was strikingly little proof from rigorous studies that supplements and some widely recommended diets have the power to prevent heart disease. The findings are likely to elicit controversy and continued debate. But the researchers said one clear message from their analysis was that the more than half of Americans who use dietary supplements should be wary of claims that multivitamins and other supplements will improve their heart health. …When [the authors] looked at various diets recommended for cardiovascular prevention, they found a similar lack of solid evidence. That was certainly the case for low-fat diets, which health authorities have recommended for decades as a way to lower cholesterol and heart disease risk. ...the most rigorous randomized trials provided no evidence that eating less fat, including saturated fat, had an impact on mortality or cardiovascular outcomes.”

Read the article Supplements and Diets for Heart Health Show Limited Proof of Benefit