BySeptember 1, 2019
The dumbbell hang clean offers less-technical exposure to the Olympic lifts while maintaining similar effects to its barbell counterpart. Strength, power, speed, and coordination are challenged in concert. Done for reps at a moderate load, the dumbbell hang clean is a potent conditioning tool.
To learn more about human movement and the CrossFit methodology, visit CrossFit Training.
Comments on The Dumbbell Hang Clean
September 3rd, 2019 at 1:30 pm
Commented on: The Dumbbell Hang Clean
Might want to relook at the selection of pic’s to represent this movement. The second frame suggests that the movement is driven by the lower back instead of the legs and hips. Maybe add a frame that shows the subject with a knee bend prior to the bent over still frame.
The Dumbbell Hang Clean