The CrossFit stimulus—constantly varied high-intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar—prepares you for the demands of a healthy, functional, independent life and provides a hedge against chronic disease and incapacity. This stimulus is elegant in the mathematical sense of being marked by simplicity and efficacy. The proven elements of this broad, general, and inclusive fitness, in terms of both movement and nutrition, are what we term our CrossFit Essentials.



Science, a branch of human knowledge, is not an obscure occupation safely ignored by the intellectually lazy or those who lack interest in its study. It is impossible to escape its realities and consequences.

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Elements of Science: Models & Predictions


A scientific model is an extraction of a direction or pattern from observed and measured phenomena: a real-world cause and effect relationship expressed in natural language, logic, or mathematics. The objective of scientific modeling is to create generalizing and unifying descriptions that define and incorporate all relevant data and predict results for future experiments.

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Elements of Science: Observations & Measurements


Science deals with observations of the real world, obtained via the use of our senses, which we can define, record, measure, and quantify or order. Measurements compare observations with standards, creating what science calls facts. The act of measuring, the grading of observations according to standards, and the use of precision in language are processes necessary to achieving objectivity: the separation of observations from perception processes.

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Elements of Science: Definitions


The first logical step in the scientific method is the setting of precise terms for the discourse. Definitions permit the expression of observations, relationships, and processes with the least ambiguity. Precision in definitions allows observations and measurements to proceed with repeatability.

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The Scientific Method, Part 2


The scientific method must be considered not as a procedure followed sequentially through numbered steps but as a set of criteria for the end product of science. It is neither a recipe nor a road map but a checklist of criteria that can be met by any route — inspiration or perspiration, methodically or haphazardly — reserving for the scientist-to-be lessons in procedural efficiency.

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The Scientific Method, Part 1


All the seeds of the scientific method lie within the derivation of science (which is the method’s application). The scientific method consists of a set of attributes that can be neatly organized into four major categories: foundations, discovery, creativity, and validation.

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Modern Science


This series tackles the problem of constructing a formal definition of modern science, developing a definition that meets the needs of practitioners. This definition and its implications are useful, maybe essential, to any individual seeking to understand reality in terms of cause and effect.

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Pathological Science, Part 3


In the final installment in his series on pathological science, Gary Taubes claims institutionalized skepticism is a necessary trait in any legitimate scientific field. He brings this claim to bear on modern research on nutrition and chronic disease and notes a tendency to act on poorly formed or ineffectively tested hypotheses. Scientists who call for the implementation of such hypotheses ask for trust without having performed the rigorous research necessary to earn it, Taubes claims, and when this practice becomes the norm, an entire field of research can become pathological. “A healthy scientific enterprise allows for no shortcuts,” he writes.

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Gary Taubes: Postmodern Infection of Science and the Replication Crisis


Gary Taubes is an award-winning investigative science and health journalist, and author of numerous books related to nutrition and the obesity epidemic. In this talk, delivered at the annual CrossFit Health Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, on July 31, 2018, Taubes turns a critical eye toward a more expansive subject, historicizing the corruption of postmodern science and examining the distinctions between good and bad scientific research.

Watch Gary Taubes: Postmodern Infection of Science and the Replication Crisis

Rating Scientific Models


A model is a container of Modern Science. Science is a branch of knowledge, in particular objective knowledge. It possesses objectivity by expressing relationships, AKA experiments, only among facts, where a fact is an observation reduced to measurements and compared with standards. A model is an expression of an arrangement of facts that exposes, or seeks to expose, a pattern among variables or parameters expressed as records of facts, identifying candidate variables as independent and others as dependent variables, or, more generally, as Causes and Effects.

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Conjecture, Hypothesis, Theory, Law: The Basis of Rational Argument


Science is all about models of the real world, whether natural (basic science) or manmade (applied science, or technology). These models are not discovered in nature, for nature has no numbers, no coordinate systems, no parameters, no equations, no logic, no predictions, neither linearity nor non-linearity, nor many of the other attributes of science. Models are man’s creations, written in the languages of science: natural language, logic, and mathematics. They are built upon the structure of a specified factual domain.

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